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Securities Regulations: The Essentials

  • Stephen J. Choi
  • A.C. Pritchard
Series / Essentials Series
Teaching Materials
Securities Regulation: The Essentials is part of Aspen's Essentials Series, which takes a "forest rather than the trees" approach to teaching. This concise paperback concentrates on the fundamentals of Securities Regulation and uses a relaxed, personal style to explain them. Suitable for use with any casebook, this text will help students recognize and understand common themes and will precipitate understanding of the topics under discussion. Written by Stephen J. Choi and A.C. Pritchard, two well-regarded young securities regulation scholars in the country today, this outstanding resource:
  • Begins with an introduction to the role of information in the decision making processes of investors, then takes up various topics in securities regulation using the framework developed in the first part of the text
  • Examines the underlying business problems facing issuers and investors in securities regulation
  • Takes a problem-and-solution approach that allows the professor to ask whether the solution currently provided by the law is the best solution and what alternatives should be considered
Students will find the nuts-and-bolts approach of Securities Regulation: The Essentials reassuring and illuminating. Require or recommend this straightforward text for use alongside your casebook and watch student comprehension soar.



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Securities Regulation
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