To access the course after you have purchased it, you will need a registered account. If you already have a registered account, skip to Step 3. If you purchased JD-Next as a guest, follow all the steps below.
Step 1:
Create an account at using the email address you used for purchasing JD-Next. This transfers your information to the Aspen Courses website.
Step 2:
Enter your account information and click Register." IMPORTANT:Â You must register with the same email address used to purchase JD-Next.
Step 3:
Go to
Step 4:
Enter the email and password you used to register on and click "LOGIN."
Step 5:
Upon login, you will be taken to your My Courses page. If your course starts soon, you will see the course you purchased. Courses may not appear on your dashboard until 1 week before the course start date.
Step 6:
Once the course has started, click the "View Course" button or the course title to open the course. This button will be disabled until the start date.
If you do not see your course:
- Check that you are logged in with the same email address you used to purchase JD-Next
- Confirm you have purchased a session that starts soon. Courses may not appear on your dashboard until 1 week before the course start date.
If you are not able to resolve your issue using the above steps, please reach out to or submit a request for assistance.