Student FAQs
Cost and Registration:
Can I participate in JD-Next?
Yes, JD-Next is designed for anyone with an interest in the legal system. The next course begins in October 2024, and ends in December 2024, with the test offered in December 2024. There is limited availability, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible.
Click here for a complete schedule of upcoming JD-Next courses and tests.
How much does the course cost?
Your investment in JD-Next is $349. This includes your 8-week course, entrance test, score reporting and all course materials.
What is JD-Next’s payment and refund policy?
All students must be paid in full prior to starting their course. A full refund will be provided for any written request received within five days after the official start date of a session. To request a refund, a student must email us at
Does JD-Next offer any type of scholarship or fee waiver for your program?
The JD-Next needs-based scholarship program is designed to assist aspiring law students from low-income backgrounds. Each year, a limited number of students will be selected to become JD-Next Scholars and will receive a $299 credit to be applied to their JD-Next tuition. We have designated a set number of seats for scholarship recipients for each of our 2025 course start dates. If selected, JD-Next will provide you with a $299 voucher to be used for your course.
Please visit the JD-Next Scholarship Information for details.
For questions, please contact
The Course:
How is JD-Next unique?
JD-Next measures relevant learning potential, not just general cognitive assets. Even more, JD-Next is also a proven bridge program that prepares you for law school! In two scientific papers, we have found that participation in the JD-Next course, and especially completion of the course, causes a substantial improvement in law school grades, and improves students' confidence in their first year of law school.
The need is clear.
People come to JD programs with a wide range of backgrounds, including many different undergraduate educational experiences. This lack of common preparation may disadvantage students who come to law school with less exposure to legal concepts, language and reading skills, and analytical frameworks. This program will expose you to the materials and methods of legal education, preparing you for success. Even better, the course is bundled with the test, so you do not have to worry about buying a prep course on your own or worrying that other students have paid more to prepare for the test.
Is this going to be the same material I’ll learn in my first year?
While helping you develop your skills in case reading and analysis, this course uses a few of the classic contracts law cases, which also appear frequently in law schools across the country. Because JD-Next primarily teaches the underlying skills required to succeed in any doctrinal law class, it may focus on different aspects of contracts cases and concepts than your contracts law professor.
What will I be doing each week and how much time will it take?
The beginning of the course introduces critical “Case Brief Workshops” for law school, explicitly and directly showing participants how to read a case and to extract the key rules and facts. After completing the skills workshops during the first four weeks of the course, students will move onto doctrinal law and the application of the skills practiced in the skills workshops. Without purporting to preview an entire 1L Contracts course, the readings include classic cases (e.g., Hawkins v. McGee), with simple reading quizzes keyed to each one. Consistent with optimal curricular design principles, each lesson also includes a written “problem of the day”, so students begin practicing the application of their newly acquired concepts.
The course also includes videos, broken into dozens of smaller parts, including concept introductions, lectures, and takeaways. The final test will be largely multiple choice but will also include a writing component.
Overall, we expect you to spend roughly 6-10 hours per week. Students can work at their own pace in completing the classes each week, though we strongly recommend students complete the modules as scheduled each week.
Is this class synchronous or asynchronous?
JD-Next is fully online. You can access the course anywhere you have computer and internet access. It will be primarily an asynchronous course with synchronous virtual office hours.
What if I need to take a vacation or have other plans during the course?
We recommend students stay in sync with the course schedule week by week, which students can complete from anywhere they have internet access. If necessary, students can work ahead to stay on track with the course.
What kind of feedback can I expect in this course?
The course is self-paced with a dedicated facilitator. Students will receive immediate feedback for all multiple-choice questions and exercises completed, as well as for discussion posts during skills workshops. For larger written assignments, students will be guided through a self-evaluation process using both guided rubrics and model answers.
What kind of instruction can I expect in the course?
You’ll receive video explanations from experts in the field throughout the course. Plus, you’ll receive feedback on writing assignments as well as access to Course Assistants during weekly office hours to get your questions answered.
The Test:
Will I have access to course materials during the test?
You will have access to a PDF of the course materials when you log into the test site. You will not be able to access the JD-Next course or any notes on your computer, nor will you be able to have any printed materials in your workspace.
How will I share my JD-Next score with schools?
At the end of the course, you will receive your score and will have the opportunity to designate which law schools will receive your score, directly from JD-Next.
What steps should be taken by students to submit only a JD-Next test score (i.e., no LSAT score) to law schools?
Both law school admissions offices that wish to receive applications with only a JD-Next score (i.e., no LSAT score) and applicants who wish to submit as their admissions test score only a JD-Next test score should be aware of proactive steps that need to be taken by the law school. A law school that wants to be able to receive a JD-Next score in lieu of an LSAT score from an applicant must proactively waive in the LSAC CAS system the LSAC CAS system’s default requirement that the application contains an LSAT score.
Law schools are receiving email notifications from Aspen Publishing, which runs JD-Next, when they have JD-Next scores available from their applicants. A law school can use those notifications as a prompt for the law school to waive the LSAT score requirement for that applicant.
Check the updated list of schools who accept JD-Next here.
We advise law school applicants who wish to submit only a JD-Next test score to confirm with the admissions offices of the law schools to which they will apply that those law schools have undertaken the steps needed to be able to receive the applicants’ JD-Next scores (and these applicants’ law school applications more generally).
If I have a disability and need reasonable accommodations, who do I contact?
Please review our JD-Next Test Accommodations Guidelines for information about applying for test accommodations. The Guidelines page includes links to the relevant form for submitting your request. If you have any additional questions about the process, please contact
How do I sign up for the test?
Once you are enrolled in the course, JD-Next will offer two date options for the test. You must select one of these dates. Further correspondence will be provided during the course in preparation for your test.
How will the test be conducted?
We are partnering with a major provider of testing services, , a global education technology company with more than 12 million users worldwide, which creates industry-leading comprehensive learner records (CLRs) that include personalized assessments and best-fit job opportunities for learners. The test will be conducted with test security, test-taker identification confirmation, and proctoring. We will also be able to provide appropriate accommodation for disabilities. There is a large bank of test questions, and the test will be administered digitally.
What if an emergency arises and I’m unable to take the test on my scheduled day?
If you have an emergency and are not able to take your test as scheduled, contact us as soon as possible at We can advise on potential options.
How do I interpret the score report?
We provide Score Report interpretation guidance to law schools here: JD-Next Score Report.
What if I might want to take JD-Next more than once during a law school application cycle? Should I let law schools in which I’m interested know?
JD-Next participants who believe that they will retake the JD-Next course and test within the same application cycle should let law schools to which they are and will be applying in that cycle know that additional JD-Next scores possibly will be submitted to these law schools. You might retake the test (and course) later and achieve a higher score that these law schools should consider before making their admissions and financial award decisions.
How long can I use my JD-Next score for applying to law school?
Your JD-Next score will be valid for five years.
How many law schools are using JD-Next?
Over one quarter of all ABA law schools have now been granted a variance to use JD-Next as an admissions test, and the list of law schools is growing. That list can be found here.
Additionally, the ABA commissioned a report that confirmed prior research showing JD-Next to be a valid and reliable predictor of first year grades as required by ABA Standard 503.
This is just to say that the list will continue to grow, so if the law school you hope to attend is not yet on the list of schools that have been granted a variance, we recommend sending your results anyway to augment your application package.
How will each school use JD-Next?
While many law schools have been eager to receive a variance so JD-Next can be used in admissions decisions, each law school is different, and many are still finalizing their policies regarding how they will use JD-Next.
Some may want to use it as their primary criteria, while some may want to use it in combination with the score from the LSAT or GRE.
Our recommendation:
1. Reach out to every admissions department on your list, explaining why you chose to take JD-Next and calling attention to your dual JD-Next credential; your completion of the eight-week course and your test score.
2. Follow up to ask how that school intends to use your results. Also be sure to ask if there is anything else they need from you to decide whether to admit you to their incoming class.
JD-Next allows you to demonstrate your aptitude and your commitment for JD study, and in doing so it reduces or eliminates the bias acknowledged by the companies that provide legacy tests. The research shows that a student who completes our course prior to applying to law school is a more educated and committed potential student than one who does not.
Law School FAQs
What is the cost to test-takers?
The bundled price for the course, test, individual score report, and up to three score reports sent to schools is $349. Send scores to additional schools for $40 each.
For scholarship information, please view our JD-Next Scholarship Information page.
What is the cost to schools who use the JD-Next score for admissions?
There is no cost to schools who wish to receive and consider JD-Next scores.
What is JD-Next’s payment and refund policy?
All students must be paid in full prior to starting their course. A full refund will be provided for any written request received within five days after the official start date of a session. To request a refund, a student must email us at
What does a law school have to do to accept the JD-Next test for admissions?
Presently, over 55 law schools have received a variance from the American Bar Association’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions Council to use the JD-Next law school entrance test in lieu of, or in addition to other admissions tests including the LSAT and GRE. View the full list of variance schools.
In addition, any law school can consider JD-Next scores. To do so, please notify JD-Next and announce your intentions on your website and other admissions materials. Set up your application accordingly so applicants can indicate that they will be submitting JD-Next scores. JD-Next is eager to work with you to structure a plan that makes sense for your specific institution. Please reach out to or further information.
Will applicants need to have an LSAT or GRE score as well?
Some schools will consider applicants based on the JD-Next score alone, even if the applicants do not have another standardized test score (like the LSAT or GRE). For these schools, the first step is to notify the ABA Council that you are requesting a variance, by completing this quick and simple form.
The variance recognizes the JD-Next test as a permitted alternative to using the LSAT and GRE.
Additionally, law schools without a variance may use ABA Interpretation 503-3 to admit applicants with only a JD-Next score.
What steps should be taken by law schools to receive only a JD-Next test score (i.e., no LSAT score) to law schools?
Both law school admissions offices that wish to receive applications with only a JD-Next score (i.e., no LSAT score) and applicants who wish to submit as their admissions test score only a JD-Next test score should be aware of proactive steps that need to be taken by the law school. A law school that wants to be able to receive a JD-Next score in lieu of an LSAT score from an applicant must proactively waive in the LSAC CAS system the LSAC CAS system’s default requirement that the application contains an LSAT score. Law schools are receiving email notifications from Aspen Publishing, who run JD-Next, when they have JD-Next scores available from their applicants. A law school can use those notifications as a prompt for the law school to waive the LSAT score requirement for that applicant.
We advise law school applicants who wish to submit only a JD-Next test score to confirm with the admissions offices of the law schools to which they will apply that those law schools have undertaken the steps needed to be able to receive the applicants’ JD-Next scores (and these applicants’ law school applications more generally).
When and how will scores be reported?
Scores will be available approximately three weeks after completion of the JD-Next Test. Scores will be reported directly to schools that the applicant indicates. JD-Next will provide guidance as to how to interpret the scores in a way that admissions directors can predict academic performance in their law schools.
Do participating schools need to administer the course, provide coaches, or submit outcomes data to JD-Next?
No. JD-Next administers the course and test directly to prospective students. The law school only needs to indicate their willingness to receive and consider the scores. (For schools seeking a variance, the ABA requires an annual report from participating schools.)
How do I access the JD-Next variance form?
The Science of JD-Next:
What evidence supports the use of the JD-Next test for law school admissions?
JD-Next has been developed by psychometricians and subject-matter experts over five years, with over $1.25 million in funding, collaborating with more than 40 law schools. Through careful scientific work and formal external review, including a peer-reviewed scientific publication and a technical report authored by one of the leading testing organizations globally, we have found that the JD-Next test:
- is a valid and reliable predictor of law school performance.
- predicts as well or better than legacy tests and eliminates substantial score disparities between races and ethnic groups.
Read the research here.
How does JD-Next differ from other tests?
JD-Next is the leader in measuring a student’s ability to learn. As such, our program does a better job in reducing or eliminating score gaps and achieving more fair and balanced test results for all individuals. How do we achieve this? The JD-Next test is built from the ground up with a testing philosophy based on theories first developed in the 1920s. Rather than trying to measure the abstract and general cognitive assets that students will bring to law school, we give them an opportunity to learn actual law school skills in a structured and supportive environment. In this way, the JD-Next is more like a tryout for law school, and we find only small, non-significant disparities in scores by racial and ethnic groups.
We also know that simply taking the JD-Next course improves performance in law school. Completion is itself important information for an admissions officer to consider, as a signal of applicant strength and intentionality. As the California Association of Black Lawyers has written to deans, "JD-Next will not only ensure diversity in our law schools but also in our profession and the judiciary."
JD-Next Test:
Is it necessary for applicants to take the JD-Next course, and if so, when?
Yes, the JD-Next test is specifically designed to test skills and knowledge developed during participation in the JD-Next course. (For research purposes, we have administered the test to students who have not taken the course, and they perform substantially worse than those who have taken the course.) Given the recommended 8-week pace to complete the course, and the need for scores to be reported in time for the admissions process, applicants should plan to spend 6-10 hours per week on course material leading into the final test.
Are there supplemental prep materials available to prepare for the JD-Next test?
The exciting thing about JD-Next is that it is both a course and a test. By engaging in the 8-week course and synthesizing the information provided, students are learning everything they need to know for success on the JD-Next test. There are a range of materials built into the JD-Next course allowing students to go deeper into the materials as their needs and interests may require, but there are no additional materials required to purchase. We encourage students to complete all these materials to prepare for the JD-Next Test.
How will the test be conducted?
We partner with a major provider of testing services to administer the high-stakes test. The test will be conducted with test security, test-taker identification confirmation, and proctoring. We also provide appropriate accommodation for disabilities. The test will be administered digitally.
Who handles testing for the JD-Next Tests?
Test administration is conducted by Territorium, a global education technology company with more than 12 million users worldwide, which creates industry-leading comprehensive learner records (CLRs) that include personalized assessments and best-fit job opportunities for learners.
How will the JD-Next Score Report be delivered?
Preview scores will be available approximately three weeks after completion of the JD-Next test. Institutions will be notified by email when the score report is available and log in information will be provided.
JD-Next Score Reports include a raw score. Scores range from 400 – 1,000 and are designed to serve as a prediction of the test taker’s likely performance in law school. As with similar law school admissions tests, individual success is based on how high an individual scores as a percentage of the total number of test takers.
JD-Next also will provide law schools with a description of the learning outcomes assessed by the test and taught within the JD-Next course. JD-Next will provide guidance as to how to interpret the scores in a way that admissions directors can attempt to predict academic performance in their law schools.