Bundle: Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Fifth Edition with Federal Rules Evidence and California Evidence Code 2023
Bundle: Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Fifth Edition with Federal Rules Evidence and California Evidence Code 2023
Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543804577 and a digital-only version of supplement ISBN 9798889062387.
Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9781543822038 and a digital-only version of supplement ISBN 9798889062387.
More about Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Fifth Edition. A flexible and engaging casebook, Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems focuses on core concepts and central controversies in evidence law, presented through tightly edited cases, stimulating commentary from a wide range of perspectives, and carefully crafted problems. The Fifth Edition, while as streamlined and teachable as its predecessors, includes excerpts from more than fifty new cases and twenty new articles, fresh problems and enhanced editorial material, and three entirely new sections: one on machine-generated proof, one on digital forensics, and one on authenticating electronic evidence. There is new, up-to-date material on sexual assault cases, DNA evidence, social science evidence, privileges, judicial notice, hearsay, confrontation, “other crimes” evidence, and other key topics.
Bundle also includes Federal Rules Evidence and California Evidence Code, 2023. This comprehensive supplement incorporates the most recent statutory developments in the Federal Rules of Evidence and California Evidence Code.
Product Information
Bundle: Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Fifth Edition with Federal Rules Evidence and California Evidence Code 2023
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Bundle: Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Fifth Edition with Federal Rules Evidence and California Evidence Code 2023
Digital Bundle