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Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations: 2021-2022 Statutory Supplement

  • William T. Allen
  • Reinier Kraakman
  • Guhan Subramanian
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Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations: 2021-2022 Statutory Supplement
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About the authors
William T. Allen
Professor of Law and Business
New York University School of Law

William T. Allen is the Nusbaum Professor of Law and Business and the Director of the Pollack Center for Law and Business at New York University School of Law. Professor William Allen moved to New York University School of Law in 1997, following twelve years as Chancellor of the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, widely considered the leading trial court in the US for questions of business and corporation law. At NYU, Allen serves on both the Law School faculty and as Clinical Professor of Business in the Finance Department of the Stern School of Business. At NYU he founded the Pollack Center for Law Business to serve as a bridge between the students and faculty of the Law School and the Stern School of Business. See www.stern.nyu.educlb. The author of various articles on corporate law and corporate governance, Allen teaches Corporation Law, Corporate Governance, Law and Business of Investment Banking, and Mergers and Acquisitions at both the Law School and Stern. He organizes a seminar series on Law Finance at the Stern School in the Spring. Through the Pollack Center for Law Business Allen originated the Advanged professional Certificate in Law Business, a summer program to enable law students to get graduate level training in business; organizes a speaker series in which senior business and legal professionals come to campus, and organizes the annual NYU Directors Institute. Allen serves as counsel to the New York law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen Katz, with whom he consults concerning questions of corporate law and governance.

Reinier H. Kraakman
Professor of Law
Harvard Law School

Reinier H. Kraakman is the Ezra Ripley Thayer Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Research Interests: ol liBusiness Lawli liComparative Company Lawli liCorporate Governanceli liCorporate Takeoversli liLimited Liabilityli liShareholder-derivative Suitsli liThird-party Enforcement Strategiesli ol

Guhan Subramanian
Professor of Law and Business
Harvard Law School Harvard Business School

Guhan Subramanian is the Joseph Flom Professor of Law and Business at Harvard Law School and the H. Douglas Weaver Professor of Business Law at Harvard Business School. Research Interests:Empirical Analysis of Dealmaking and Corporate LawCorporate Governance Issues

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