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Bundle: Guide to U.S. Legal Analysis and Communication, Third Edition and Legal Research and Writing

  • Deborah B. McGregor
  • Cynthia M. Adams
  • Katrina J. Lee
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543807790 as well as an access code to – Legal Research and Writing.

Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9781543857290 as well as digital access to – Legal Research and Writing.


More about Guide to U.S. Legal Analysis and Communication, Third Edition, designed primarily for the international lawyer and international law student, this one-of-a-kind text introduces readers to legal analysis and communications used in the U.S. - Legal Research and Writing features bite-sized videos and interactive practice that put students in the driver’s seat, developing their writing and research skills with real-life simulations and carefully designed assessments.

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About the authors
Deborah B. McGregor
Clinical Professor of Law Emerita
Indiana University Maurer School of Law

Following graduation from Georgetown University Law Center, Clinical Professor of Law Emerita Deborah B. McGregor engaged in private practice in Boulder, Colorado, where she focused primarily on probate law and estate planning. Thereafter, she taught legal writing for three years at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law before joining the IU faculty in Indianapolis. As Assistant Director of the Legal Writing Program at IU, she developed the academic support program, the first writing course for LL.M. students, and a summer legal process course for J.D. and M.J. students.

In 2013, Prof. McGregor became director of the law school’s new Master of Jurisprudence Program, designed for students whose career focus was not law, but who would benefit from learning about the law. The first class matriculated in the summer of 2014.

Prof. McGregor has been an active participant in the national Legal Writing Institute (LWI), presenting at both national and regional conferences over the last 27 years. Prof. McGregor collaborated on a week-long teaching workshop through the Rule of Law Initiative for Ukrainian law professors. She taught Legal Writing and Analysis in Hangzhou and Shanghai, China, and Introduction to the American Legal System in Alexandria, Egypt.

Prof. McGregor is the only legal writing professor to receive the student bar association's Best New Teacher’s Award. She has also received the Black Law Student Association’s John Morton-Finney-Brenda Elise Bowles Award twice, the Teaching Excellence Recognition Award twice, and the Indiana University Trustee’s Teaching Award.

Cynthia M. Adams
Indiana University - Indianapolis

Cynthia M. Adams is a Clinical Professor of Law at Indiana University’s Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Before joining the law faculty, she prac­ticed corporate law and business transactions. Professor Adams teaches var­ious theory and skills courses, including Contract Drafting, Negotiations, Integrated Contracts, and Secured Transactions. In addition to this book, Professor Adams coauthored The Guide to U.S. Legal Analysis and Communication (2d ed., Aspen, 2015). When not teaching, researching, or writing, Professor Adams explores the backcountry at home and abroad, on horseback and on foot.

Katrina Lee
The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law

Katrina Lee is the John C. Elam Vorys Sater Professor in Law, an endowed position at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. Before joining the faculty at Moritz in 2011, she enjoyed an accomplished career in complex litigation spanning more than 12 years and was elevated to equity partner at her law firm. Professor Lee is a former President of the Association of Legal Writing Directors (2020-2021). She teaches LL.M. Legal Writing, Business of Law, Legal Analysis and Writing, and Legal Negotiation.

Professor Lee serves as the Director of Moritz’s Program on Dispute Resolution and a Faculty Advisor for The Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution. She also serves as the Director of Moritz’s LL.M. Legal Writing program. Professor Lee triple-majored at the University of California at Berkeley and received her J.D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley. She is a member of the California State Bar.

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Legal Writing
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