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Law, Technology, and Business: The 21st Century Corporation and the Future of Work

  • Susanna Monseau
Series / Aspen Select Series
Teaching Materials

Law, Technology, and Business is a first-of-its-kind book for students about the business and legal environment of the twenty-first century. The book reviews the main technological, social, environmental and economic drivers of the Second Digital Revolution. Using examples, the book discusses issues like the effect of Silicon Valley and the collaborative economy on the corporation, how automation might affect the world of work and how legal concepts like privacy, freedom of expression, ownership, and even autonomy, are being shaped by new technologies.

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About the authors
Susanna Monseau
The College of New Jersey

Susanna Monseau is an attorney qualified in the state of New York and in England. After completion of her legal education in England, she worked as a litigator in the area of intellectual property at major commercial law firms in London and Philadelphia. She began teaching in 1999 and is a professor of business law at The College of New Jersey, teaching courses currently in legal environment of business, international business law, law and technology, and civil rights in a digital age. She is the author of numerous law review articles and business cases on law, technology and international issues. She is a member of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, and the Council on Undergraduate Research. She has served as an officer of the North East Legal Academy of Business and is a reviewer for the Journal of Legal Studies in Education.

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Intellectual Property
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