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Bankruptcy and Article 9: 2024 Statutory Supplement
Elizabeth Warren, Robert M. Lawless
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Law of Debtors and Creditors: Text, Cases, and Problems, Eighth Edition
Elizabeth Warren, Jay Lawrence Westbrook, Katherine Porter, John Pottow
Connected eBook + Hardcover
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Business Bankruptcy: Financial Restructuring and Modern Commercial Markets, Third Edition
Adam J. Levitin
Connected eBook + Hardcover
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Consumer Finance: Markets and Regulation, Second Edition
Adam J. Levitin
Connected eBook + Hardcover
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Bundle: Law of Debtors and Creditors: Text, Cases, and Problems, Eighth Edition and Bankruptcy and Article 9: 2024 Statutory Supplement
Elizabeth Warren, Jay Lawrence Westbrook, Katherine Porter, John Pottow, Robert M. Lawless
Connected eBook Print Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
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Business Bankruptcy Law in Focus
Daniel A. Austin, Stephen P. Parsons
Digital Product
Problems and Materials on Debtor and Creditor Law, Eighth Edition
Douglas J. Whaley, Christopher G. Bradley
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Consumer Bankruptcy Law in Focus
Stephen P. Parsons
Digital Product