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Essential Lawyering Skills: Interviewing, Counseling, Negotiation, and Persuasive Fact Analysis, Sixth Edition
Stefan H. Krieger, Richard K. Neumann, Renée Hutchins Laurent
Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Fundamentals of Lawyer Leadership: A Skills Guide to Professional Identity Formation, Second Edition
Leah W. Teague, Elizabeth M. Fraley
Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Legal Reasoning and Objective Writing: A Comprehensive Approach
Daniel L. Barnett, Jane Kent Gionfriddo
Digital Product
Keeping Your Own Counsel: Simple Strategies and Secrets for Success in Law School, First Edition
Walter A. Effross
Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Leadership for Lawyers, Third Edition
Deborah L. Rhode
Transactional Lawyering Skills: Client Interviewing, Counseling and Negotiation
Richard K. Neumann
In Chambers: A Guide for Judicial Clerks and Externs
Jennifer L. Sheppard
Digital Product
Coming Soon
Essential Lawyering Skills: Interviewing, Counseling, Negotiation, and Persuasive Fact Analysis, Seventh Edition
Stefan H. Krieger, Richard K. Neumann, Renée Hutchins Laurent
Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)