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Firearms Law and the Second Amendment: Regulation, Rights, and Policy, Third Edition
Nicholas J. Johnson, David B. Kopel, George A. Mocsary, E. Gregory Wallace, Donald E. Kilmer
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Examples & Explanations for Agency, Partnerships, and LLCs, Fifth Edition
Daniel S. Kleinberger
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Civil Procedure: Constitution, Statutes, Rules and Supplemental Materials, 2024
Allan Ides, Christopher N. May, Simona Grossi
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Business Associations: A Systems Approach, First Edition
Lynn M. LoPucki, Andrew Verstein
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Trial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis, and Strategy, Fifth Edition
Marilyn J. Berger, John B. Mitchell, Ronald H. Clark
Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Bundle: Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices, Eighth Edition and Integrating Spaces: Property Law and Social Identity, Second Edition
Joseph William Singer, Bethany R. Berger, Nestor M. Davidson, Eduardo Moises Penalver, Kali N. Murray, Rose Cuison-Villazor, Alfred L. Brophy, Alberto Lopez
Print Bundle
Digital Bundle
Employment Law, Fifth Edition
Richard Carlson, Michael C. Duff, Dallan F. Flake, Richard A. Bales
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Negotiating Business Transactions: An Extended Simulation Course, Third Edition
Daniel D. Bradlow, Jay Gary Finkelstein Â
Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Dispute Resolution: Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, and Other Processes, Seventh Edition
Stephen B. Goldberg, Frank E.A. Sander, Nancy H. Rogers, Sarah Rudolph Cole
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Bundle: Connected Quizzing and PracticePerfect Civil Procedure, First Edition
Joseph W. Glannon, Andrew M. Perlman, Linda Sandstrom Simard
Aspen Treatise for Civil Procedure, Fifth Edition
Richard D. Freer
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Administrative Law: A Casebook, Tenth Edition
Bernard Schwartz, Roberto L. Corrada, J. Robert Brown, Jessica L. West
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Education Law: Equality, Fairness, and Reform, Third Edition
Derek Black, Robert A. Garda, John E. Taylor, Emily Gold Waldman
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Bundle: Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach, Tenth Edition and Bankruptcy and Article 9: 2024 Statutory Supplement
Lynn M. LoPucki, Elizabeth Warren, Robert M. Lawless, Pamela Foohey
Connected eBook Print Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
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Corporate Finance, Second Edition
Robert J. Rhee
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Licensing Intellectual Property: Law and Application, Fifth Edition
Robert Gomulkiewicz, Xuan-Thao Nguyen, Danielle M. Conway
Connected eBook + Hardcover
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Bundle: Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices, Eighth Edition with Connected Quizzing
Joseph William Singer
Digital Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Examples & Explanations for Remedies, Fifth Edition
Richard L. Hasen
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Education Law, Policy, and Practice: Cases and Materials, Fifth Edition
Michael J. Kaufman, Sherelyn R. Kaufman
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Entrepreneurship Law: Cases and Materials, Second Edition
Stephen F. Reed
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Aspen Aloud: Criminal Law, First Edition
Aspen Publishing
Connecting Ethics and Practice: A Lawyer's Guide to Professional Responsibility, Third Edition
Katerina P. Lewinbuk
Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Nonprofit Law: The Life Cycle of A Charitable Organization, Third Edition
Elizabeth Schmidt, Allen Madison
Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Legal Writing for Legal Readers: Predictive Writing for First-Year Students, Third Edition
Mary Beth Beazley, Monte Smith
Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Emanuel Law Outlines for Corporations, Eighth Edition
Steven L. Emanuel
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Video Case Studies to Accompany The Practice of Mediation: A Video-Integrated Text, Fourth Edition
Douglas N. Frenkel, James H. Stark
Bundle: Preparing for Practice: Legal Analysis and Writing in Law School's First Year, Second Edition and Connected Quizzing
Amy Vorenberg, Jennifer Davis, Anna Elbroch
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Examples & Explanations for Employment Discrimination, Fifth Edition
Joel Wm. Friedman
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
International Civil Litigation in United States Courts, Seventh Edition
Gary B. Born, Peter B. Rutledge
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)