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101 Vignettes for Improving Trial Evidence Skills, Second Edition
Anthony J. Bocchino, JoAnne A. Epps, David A. Sonenshein
30(b)(6) Rules: Deposing the Corporate Representative, Second Edition
David M. Malone, Ryan M. Malone
A Documentary Companion to Storming the Court
Brandt Goldstein, Rodger Citron, Molly Beutz Land
A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy, Sixth Edition
Mary Beth Beazley
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A Practical Guide to Federal Evidence: Objections, Responses, Rules, and Practical Commentary, Fifteenth Edition
Anthony J. Bocchino, David A. Sonenshein, Katharine Traylor Schaffzin
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A Practical Introduction To Paralegal Studies: Strategies for Success, Third Edition
Deborah E. Bouchoux
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A Texas Companion for the Course in Wills, Trusts, and Estates: Case and Statutory Supplement, 2023-2024
Joshua C. Tate
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ABCs of Debt: A Case Study Approach to Debtor/Creditor Relations and Bankruptcy Law, Sixth Edition
Stephen P. Parsons
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Academic Legal Discourse and Analysis: Essential Skills for International Students Studying Law in The United States, First Edition
Marta Baffy, Kirsten Schaetzel
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Accounting and Corporate Finance For Lawyers, Second Edition
Stacey L. Bowers
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Addison v. Peyton: Case File, Third Edition
Elizabeth I. Boals
Adjudicative Criminal Procedure and Racial Injustice, First Edition
James C. Rehnquist, Tracey Maclin
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Adjudicative Criminal Procedure: Doctrine, Application, and Practice, Second Edition
Jens David Ohlin
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Administrative Law
Joel Wm. Friedman
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Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy: Problems, Text, and Cases, Ninth Edition
Stephen G. Breyer, Richard B. Stewart, Cass R. Sunstein, Adrian Vermeule, Michael Herz
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Administrative Law, Fifth Edition
John M. Rogers, Michael P. Healy, Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Kent Barnett
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Administrative Law: A Casebook, Tenth Edition
Bernard Schwartz, Roberto L. Corrada, J. Robert Brown, Jessica L. West
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Administrative Law: A Lifecycle Approach, Second Edition
Jamelle C. Sharpe
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Administrative Law: Cases and Materials, Ninth Edition
Ronald A. Cass, Colin S. Diver, Jack M. Beermann, Jennifer L. Mascott
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ADR Training: Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Workbook, First Edition
Kevin Marshall, Alexys Santos
Advanced and Business Tort Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems, First Edition
Arthur Best, David W. Barnes, Nicholas Kahn-Fogel
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Advanced Legal Analysis and Strategies for Bar Preparation
Twinette L. Johnson, Marcia A. Goldsmith
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Advanced Legal Writing: Theories and Strategies in Persuasive Writing, Third Edition
Michael R. Smith
Advanced Negotiation and Mediation, Theory and Practice: A Realistic Integrated Approach, Second Edition
Paul J. Zwier, Thomas F. Guernsey
Advocacy Excellence: The Jury Trial, Second Edition
Camille M. Abate, Kathleen M. Mullin
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Ahmed v. Buckner and Cooper & Stewart, LLC: Case File, Trial Materials, Third Edition
Anthony J. Bocchino, David A. Sonenshein, Deanne C. Siemer
Ahmed v. Buckner and Cooper & Stewart, LLC: Deposition File, Defendant's Materials, Third Edition
Anthony J. Bocchino, David A. Sonenshein, Deanne C. Siemer
Ahmed v. Buckner and Cooper & Stewart, LLC: Deposition File, Faculty Materials, Third Edition
Anthony J. Bocchino, David A. Sonenshein, Deanne C. Siemer
Ahmed v. Buckner and Cooper & Stewart, LLC: Deposition File, Plaintiff's Materials, Third Edition
Anthony J. Bocchino, David A. Sonenshein, Deanne C. Siemer