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Elder Law in Context
Rebecca C. Morgan, Mark D. Bauer, Roberta K. Flowers, Joseph F. Morrissey, Theresa J. Pulley Radwan
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Consumer Finance: Markets and Regulation, Second Edition
Adam J. Levitin
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Domestic Violence: Legal and Social Reality, Second Edition
D. Kelly Weisberg
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Children, Parents, and the Law: Public and Private Authority in the Home, Schools, and Juvenile Courts, Fourth Edition
Leslie Joan Harris, Lee E. Teitelbaum, Tamar R. Birckhead
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Trial Advocacy for the Child Welfare Lawyer: Telling the Story of the Family, Second Edition
Marvin Ventrell, Patrick Furman
Families Under Construction: Parentage, Adoption, and Assisted Reproduction, Second Edition
Susan Frelich Appleton, D. Kelly Weisberg
Child Family and State: Problems and Material on Children and the Law, Seventh Edition
Robert H. Mnookin, D. Kelly Weisberg
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