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Criminal Evidence: From Crime Scene to Courtroom, Third Edition
Derek Regensburger
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The Law of the Police, Second Edition
Rachel Harmon
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Juveniles in Contemporary Society: Understanding Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, First Edition
Saundra D. Trujillo, L. Thomas Winfree Jr., Carlos E. Posadas
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Policing America: An Introduction, Third Edition
Willard M. Oliver
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Constitutional Law in Criminal Justice, Third Edition
Tina M. Fielding Fryling
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Introduction to Criminal Justice: The Essentials, Third Edition
L. Thomas Winfree Jr., G. Larry Mays, Leanne F. Alarid
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Juvenile Delinquency, First Edition
Laura Pinto Hansen
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Women and Policing in America: Classic and Contemporary Readings, Seventh Edition
Kimberly D. Hassell, Carol A. Archbold, Dorothy Moses Schulz
Digital Product
Women and Criminal Justice, Second Edition
Marilyn D. McShane, Ming-Li Hsieh
Mental Health and Criminal Justice
Anne F. Segal, L. Thomas Winfree Jr., Stan Friedman
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Criminal Law and the American Penal System: Cases and Context, First Edition
Andrew Manuel Crespo, John Rappaport
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Criminal Procedure: Laying Down the Law
Robyn Scheina Brown
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White Collar and Corporate Crime: A Case Study Approach, Second Edition
Laura Pinto Hansen
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Cybercrime, Fourth Edition
Catherine D. Marcum
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Understanding Criminal Evidence
Samuel P. Newton, Teresa L. Welch
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Sex Offenders: Crimes and Processing in the Criminal Justice System, Second Edition
Sean Maddan, Lynn Pazzani
Criminological Theory, First Edition
George E. Higgins, Catherine D. Marcum
Digital Product
Criminal Law: The Basics, Third Edition
Frank August Schubert
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Corporate and White Collar Crime: Cases and Materials, Eighth Edition
Kathleen F. Brickey, Jennifer Taub
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Criminal Law: Cases and Materials, Tenth Edition
John Kaplan, Robert Weisberg, Guyora Binder, Aya Gruber
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Criminal Law in Focus, Second Edition
Alex Kreit
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Adjudicative Criminal Procedure and Racial Injustice, First Edition
James C. Rehnquist, Tracey Maclin
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Investigative Criminal Procedure and Racial Injustice, First Edition
James C. Rehnquist, Tracey Maclin
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Criminal Justice Essentials, Tenth Edition
Sue Titus Reid
Court Procedure and Evidence Issues
Neal R. Bevans
Governmental Powers: Cases and Readings in Constitutional Law and American Democracy
Corey L. Brettschneider
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Civil Rights and Liberties: Cases and Readings in Constitutional Law and American Democracy
Corey L. Brettschneider
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