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Flinders Aluminum Fabrication Corporation v. Mismo Fire Insurance Company: Case File, Trial Materials, Eleventh Edition

  • Rebecca Sitterly
  • Laurence M. Rose
  • Frank D. Rothschild
Series / NITA
Teaching Materials
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When the Flinders Aluminum Fabrication Corporation burns to the ground, killing George Avery, suspicion falls on CEO Arthur Jackson. In fact, Mismo Fire Insurance Company is so certain that the fire was deliberately set that it has denied the insurance claim. Jackson, the sole stockholder in the financially troubled corporation, has filed a civil action to recover damages against Mismo for the denied claim. Mismo asserts that Jackson conspired with others to burn the plant in order to fraudulently collect the insurance policy.

Did we mention that the deceased Avery is a suspected “torch,” implicated in the burning of two other commercial buildings in Nita City? That reputation isn’t helping Jackson’s case, but he claims he hired Avery, a talented designer, to help him modernize the Flinders plant. The intrigue grows when it is revealed that one of the witnesses against Jackson has a serious axe to grind that could be clouding her vision.

This entertaining file presents a well-balanced case that can be also tried as a condensed or an advanced experience.

New to the Eleventh Edition:

  • Electronic media exhibits
  • Sparky the arson dog
  • New financial parameters

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Video depositions
  • The flexibility to use this file as either a brief or an extended exercise
  • Experiential learning opportunities
  • Impeachment exercises
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Eleventh Edition
Publication date
Copyright Year
Trial Practice , Evidence
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