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Stucky v. Conlee, Parsell, and Nita City: Case File, Trial Materials, Third Edition

  • Gary S. Gildin
Series / NITA
Teaching Materials

Stucky v. Conlee, Parsell, and Nita City, a civil rights action, provides timely insight into today’s racially charged atmosphere between law enforcement and persons of color. Plaintiff Clayton Stucky is a Black state trooper who was pulled over by two white Nita City police officers. Plaintiff Stucky contends that he was pulled over for “driving while Black.” Officers Conlee and Parsell of the Nita City Police Department allege that Stucky was driving at an unsafe speed, since he was allegedly driving more than fifty miles per hour in a twenty-five mile per hour zone. Stucky refused Conlee’s and Parsell’s requests to search his vehicle.

A district judge found Stucky not guilty of the traffic offense. Stucky then sued Conlee and Parsell for damages caused by their violation of Stucky’s right to be free from an unreasonable seizure and his right to equal protection of the laws. Stucky also named Nita City as a defendant, alleging that Nita City Police Chief Kurt Lieber’s training and supervision of Conlee and Parsell was deliberately indifferent with respect to the risk of racial profiling, and that Lieber’s deliberate indifference was a cause of Conlee’s and Parsell’s stopping Stucky without probable cause and based upon Stucky’s race.

There are three witnesses for each side, as well as a racial profiling expert and medical expert for each side. New for the Third Edition, deposition files have been developed for plaintiffs, defendants, and faculty, while the trial file has also been updated. Updates for this Third Edition include updates to the witness statements, new information in the plaintiff’s racial profiling expert’s file, updated exhibits, and a legal memo.

The deposition version reflects the reality of deposition practice, when each party only has certain documents. The plaintiff file contains materials only available to the plaintiff side to aid in prepping for depositions. The defendant file contains materials only available to defendant side. The faculty file contains both the plaintiff and defendant material and is for instructor use.

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