Williams v. Simonson: Defendant's Materials, Second Edition
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Book length
174 pages
Publication Date
Second Edition
Teaching Materials
Table of contents
In the Second Edition of Williams v. Simonson, plaintiff Mary Anne Williams seeks to recover damages for gender discrimination and the tort of defamation and is suing David Simonson, Christine Jefferson, Nita University, and the Patterson Institute. Williams seeks back pay, lost pay, damages, and reinstatement. There are five potential claims in this case file, which is set in a university environment: gender discrimination, quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile work environment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and wrongful termination. Designed for advanced advocacy training, Williams involves difficult legal and factual issues for jury resolution and requires the examination of expert witnesses. There are two lay witnesses for the plaintiff and two for the defendant, plus one expert witness for each side. The exhibit files are available for digital download via a password-protected website accessible to students and faculty. Please note that Williams is available in four versions—Trial, Faculty, Plaintiff, and Defendant—each sold separately.
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