In re Cooperman: Professional Responsibility, Case File, Third Edition
In re Cooperman: Professional Responsibility, Case File, Third Edition
The Nita Bar Association has brought a four-count complaint against attorney Harriet Cooperman for violations of the disciplinary code. The Bar alleges that Cooperman failed to adequately consult with her client, David Engles, during the course of his action against the Acme Paper Company. The Bar also states: Cooperman failed to adequately explain the contents of her fee agreement; she represented clients with conflicting interests without first obtaining the informed consent; and finally, she represented a client against a former client in a cause of action.
The first edition of this case file won the ABA’s Gambrell Award for programming in the area of Professional Responsibility and Professionalism. The new edition adds social media evidence, giving students a richer opportunity to introduce and refer to exhibits. The case contains two lay witnesses and one expert for each party, making it a concise case file for teaching.
New to the Third Edition:
- Changed names of some of the witnesses to be more diverse and gender neutral
- Patricia Simpson ¿ Pat Simpson
- James Doran ¿ Jamie Doran
- Mary Gallo ¿ Cosme Gallo
- Howard Marshall ¿ Nour Basara
- Added texts between Cooperman and her partner
- Edited mss to make the language more active and gender neutral
Product Information
In re Cooperman: Professional Responsibility, Case File, Third Edition