Transactional Lawyering Skills: Client Interviewing, Counseling and Negotiation
Series / Aspen Coursebook Series
Transactional Lawyering Skills: Client Interviewing, Counseling and Negotiation
Book length
176 pages
Publication Date
The highly respected author of Transactional Lawyering Skills has written and co-written some of the top-selling books in the field. Designed to supplement Contract Drafting and Transactional Skills courses, his concise, straightforward explanation of professionalism covers working with transaction clients; problem-solving and problem-prevention; and transactional interviewing, counseling, and negotiation. Professional responsibility issues are fully integrated throughout the material. Going beyond simple theory, the text provides a succinct explanation of the lawyer-client relationship as well as the mechanics of transactional lawyering. Transactional Lawyering Skills can be used to help add a third credit to a 2-credit contract drafting course.
- concise, straightforward explanations of professionalism
- working with transaction clients
- problem-solving and problem-prevention
- transactional interviewing, counseling, and negotiation
- highly respected author has written/co-written top-selling books in the field
- integrated coverage of professional responsibility issues
- clear and succinct discussion of lawyer-client relationship
- covers the mechanics of transactional lawyering
- goes beyond simple theory
- can be used to help add a third credit to a 2-credit contract drafting course
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Lawyering Skills
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Transactional Lawyering Skills: Client Interviewing, Counseling and Negotiation
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