International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials [Connected eBook], Fourth Edition
International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials [Connected eBook], Fourth Edition
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Focusing on private international business transactions, International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials, Fourth Edition covers the planning, structure, and implementation of transactions in today’s global economy.
New to the Fourth Edition:
- New materials on the International Chamber of Commerce’s Incoterms 2020 coming into effect on January 1, 2020
- Additional discussion of China’s new Foreign Investment Law coming into effect on January 1, 2020
- A Discussion of the recent U.S. trade sanctions against China and other trading partners and the rise of U.S. economic nationalism
- Updates regarding recent changes policy affecting foreign investment, including the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017
- Updates to all statistics, tables legislative and treaty changes to the most currently available data
Professors and students will benefit from:
- Compact but comprehensive coverage of the subject. This book covers both international business planning and international litigation.
- Thorough coverage of the United Nations Convention on International Sales of Goods.
- Practical knowledge of the types of international business transactions.
- Knowledge for how to handle international business litigation and arbitration.
- An understanding of international sales and investment transactions.
Product Information
International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials [Connected eBook], Fourth Edition
Connected eBook + Hardcover
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International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials [Connected eBook], Fourth Edition
Connected eBook (Digital Only)