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Bundle: Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach, Fourth Edition and Examples & Explanations for Corporations, Ninth Edition

  • William K. Sjostrom
  • Alan R. Palmiter
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543859065 as well as print ISBN 9781543805659.


More about Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach, the Fourth Edition is designed for those who want to teach business organizations, business associations, or corporations using a transactional, problem-oriented, and/or practical approach. 

Bundle also includes Examples & Explanations for Corporations, informal and student-friendly, this best-selling study guide – recommended widely by professors in both Business Associations and Corporations courses – provides thematic coverage of the law of business organizations, beginning with agency and partnership law and focusing on corporations. The Ninth Edition, combines clear text with examples and explanations that allow students to test their understanding of concepts and practice applying the law to real-life fact patterns.

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About the authors
William K. Sjostrom
Professor of Law
James E. Rogers College of Law

William K. Sjostrom, Jr. is a Professor of Law at the James E. Rogers College of Law.

Alan Palmiter

Alan Palmiter has a national and international reputation as a teacher-scholar of corporate law, securities regulation, sustainable corporations, energy law, and legal valuation. He has authored top-selling textbooks on Corporations and Securities Regulation. His articles have been widely published, and many have been republished as among the best corporate securities law articles of the year.

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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook Print Bundle
Business Organizations
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