Bundle: Administrative Law, Fifth Edition with Connected Quizzing
Bundle: Administrative Law, Fifth Edition with Connected Quizzing
Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543825886 as well as Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491.
Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9781543835823as well as Connected Quizzing, ISBN 9781543814491.
More about Administrative Law, Fifth Edition:For instructors who prefer a case-oriented approach, the Fifth Edition of Administrative Law is a case-rich text that focuses on the core issues in administrative law. Lightly-edited cases preserve the feel of reading entire opinions and include facts, content, full analyses, and citations. Keystone cases introduce important themes and topics. Introductory material and questions following the cases focus students’ reading and stimulate class discussion, while helpful notes facilitate keen understanding of legal doctrines, introduce students to academic responses to judicial decisions and agency practices, and identify recent developments in doctrine and academic study. “Theory Applied” sections at the conclusion of major parts offer teachers an opportunity to evaluate students’ grasp of the materials in new factual and legal contexts. This flexible, easily teachable text is designed for a 3-unit course, and its self-contained parts can be taught in any order.
Bundle also includes Connected Quizzing. Delivered through CasebookConnect.com, Connected Quizzing is an easy-to-use formative assessment tool that tests law students’ understanding and provides timely feedback to improve learning outcomes. Connected Quizzing requires a Professor Course Code to access the quizzes.
Product Information
Bundle: Administrative Law, Fifth Edition with Connected Quizzing
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle