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Bundle: Examples & Explanations for Legal Writing, Fourth Edition and

  • Terrill Pollman
  • Judith M. Stinson
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes print version of ISBN 9781543804379 as well as an access code to – Legal Research and Writing.

Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9798889065876 as well as digital access to – Legal Research and Writing.


More about Examples & Explanations for Legal Writing:The Fourth Edition explains what many professors consider to be effective writing, following the organization of typical first-year legal writing courses, and provides concrete examples for students to test their understanding of key legal writing concepts. Each chapter includes a checklist that can be easily transformed into a grading grid as well as chapter-by-chapter vocabulary that integrates your classroom instruction with these examples. This book--whether the entire book, selected chapters, or subsets of chapters--can accompany any legal writing textbook or materials you provide for your students. - Legal Research and Writing features bite-sized videos and interactive practice that put students in the driver’s seat, developing their writing and research skills with real-life simulations and carefully designed assessments.

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About the authors
Judith M. Stinson

Professor Judith M. Stinson is a Clinical Professor of Law Emerita at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, where she taught legal writing and legal method. In addition to co-authoring Examples & Explanations: Legal Writing,she published a number of articles and an advanced text, The Tao of Legal Writing. Professor Stinson is the recipient of the 2013 Thomas F. Blackwell Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Legal Writing, an honor given annually by the Association of Legal Writing Directors and the Legal Writing Institute.

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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
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Legal Writing
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