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Bundle: Examples & Explanations 1L Set

  • Joseph W. Glannon
  • Christopher N. May
  • Allan Ides
  • Simona Grossi
  • Brian A. Blum
  • Barlow Burke
  • Shima Baradaran Baughman
  • Richard G. Singer
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials
This bundle contains:

Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure, Ninth edition
Joseph W. Glannon
ISBN: 9798886140590

With this ninth edition of Civil Procedure: Examples & Explanations, Joseph Glannon’s uniquely entertaining style teaches and engages students in all aspects of the first-year Civil Procedure course. 


Examples & Explanations for Constitutional Law: National Power and Federalism, Ninth Edition
Christopher N. May, Allan Ides
ISBN: 9781543857511

Examples & Explanations for Constitutional Law: National Power and Federalism, Ninth edition,by Christopher N. May, Allan Ides, and Simona Grossi, provides a clearly written, comprehensive examination of constitutional doctrine pertaining to national power and federalism.


Examples & Explanations for Constitutional Law: Individual Rights,  Ninth edition
Christopher N. May, Allan Ides, Simona Grossi
ISBN: 9781543857504

Examples & Explanations for Constitutional Law: Individual Rights, Ninth edition, by Allan Ides, Christopher N. May, and Simona Grossi, provides a clearly written, comprehensive examination of constitutional doctrine pertaining to individual rights.

Examples & Explanations for Contracts, Eighth Edition
Brian A. Blum
ISBN: 9781543835885

Examples and Explanations for Contract Law, Eighth Edition by Brian Blum provides new updates and additional cases for contract law in the student-loved Examples and Explanations format. The Examples and Explanations Series provides hypothetical questions complemented by detailed explanations that allow modern contract law students to test their knowledge of the topics and compare their own analysis to the provided explanation.


Examples & Explanations for Criminal Law, Eighth Edition
Richard G. Singer
ISBN: 9781543857528

Employing the unique, time-tested Examples & Explanations pedagogy, Examples & Explanations for Criminal Lawcombines textual material with well-written and comprehensive examples, explanations, and questions to test students’ comprehension of the materials and to provide practice in applying information to fact patterns. The questions, which often raise a variety of issues in one fact situation, are similar to those on a law school or bar examination.


Examples & Explanations for Property, Seventh Edition
Barlow, Burke, Joseph Snoe
ISBN: 9798889060192

This book is for a Property student’s use both before and after class, and it also summarizes the fundamentals of property law in preparation for a final examination, including the Bar Exam. Its text is based on the casebooks on Property in widespread use in this country, with its subjects arranged in the order in which they are typically presented.


Examples & Explanations for The Law of Torts, Sixth Edition
Joseph W. Glannon
ISBN: 9781543822991

A favorite among successful students, and often recommended by professors, the unique Examples & Explanations series gives you extremely clear introductions to concepts followed by realistic examples that mirror those presented in the classroom throughout the semester. Use at the beginning and midway through the semester to deepen your understanding through clear explanations, corresponding hypothetical fact patterns, and analysis. Then use to study for finals by reviewing the hypotheticals as well as the structure and reasoning behind the accompanying analysis. Designed to complement your casebook, the trusted Examples & Explanations titles get right to the point in a conversational, often humorous style that helps you learn the material each step of the way and prepare for the exam at the end of the course.
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Digital Bundle
Civil Procedure
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