Bundle: Federal Courts in Context, First Edition and Aspen Treatise for Federal Jurisdiction, Eighth Edition
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1372 pages
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Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543850314 as well as a print version of ISBN 9781543813715.
Digital Bundle - This bundle includes digital versions of ISBN 9798886144307 as well as ISBN 9798889065425.
Federal Courts deservedly has the reputation of being an exceptionally difficult course, and this book is designed to make it accessible to students by providing the context of cases and doctrines, as well as explaining their relevance to the issues being litigated in the 21st century. Federal Courts in Contextsupports what pedagogic research calls “deep learning.” It does so by framing federal jurisdiction and structural constitutional law using clear, concise explanations of the social and historical context of canonical cases to reveal the concrete stakes of traditional debates about federal judicial power. The result is an engaging, accessible, and richly textured account of the subject supporting not only more sophisticated doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis but also the necessary foundation for inclusive pedagogy in the training of diverse 21st-century lawyers. The focus is on canonical cases and their context rather than notoriously dense treatise-like material common to other books in the field. The book is also organized to dovetail with Erwin Chemerinsky’s Federal Jurisdiction to maximize the accessibility of the casebook content and learning outcomes.
Bundle also includes Aspen Treatise for Federal Jurisdiction, in the Eighth Edition luminary author Erwin Chemerinsky unpacks the black letter law and underlying policy issues of his subject with the clarity and penetrating insight for which he is renowned. An accessible and thorough exposition of the laws, issues, and policies that determine the jurisdiction of federal courts— students know they can rely on Federal Jurisdiction, Eighth Edition to inform and enrich their understanding of the cases and materials covered in this course.
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Bundle: Federal Courts in Context, First Edition and Aspen Treatise for Federal Jurisdiction, Eighth Edition