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Comprehensive Criminal Procedure, Fifth Edition

  • Ronald J. Allen
  • Joseph L. Hoffmann
  • Debra A. Livingston
  • Andrew D. Leipold
  • Tracey L. Meares
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Comprehensive Criminal Procedure, Fifth Edition is perfect for all introductory courses in criminal procedure law (including both investigation and adjudication courses, as well as comprehensive and survey courses). The casebook focuses primarily on constitutional criminal procedure law, but also covers relevant statutes and court rules. The casebook is deliberately challenging—it is designed for teachers who want to explore deeply not only the contemporary state of the law, but also its historical and theoretical foundations. The casebook incorporates a particular emphasis on empirical knowledge about the real-world impacts of law-in-action; the significance of race and class; the close relationship between criminal procedure law and substantive criminal law; the cold reality that hard choices sometimes must be made in a world of limited criminal justice resources; and, finally, the recognition that criminal procedure law always should strive to achieve both fairness to the accused and justice for society as a whole.

New to the Fifth Edition:

  • Cutting edge developments in caselaw, statutory material, and academic commentary
  • An important reordering of certain areas of the Fourth Amendment and related materials that make them even more user-friendly
  • Insightful examination of the turmoil in the modern Fourth Amendment cases as the Supreme Court, notably splintered over the appropriate methods of interpreting the Constitution, faces the implications of rapidly changing technology
  • The latest in case law, statutory material, and academic commentary about due process, the right to counsel, pretrial practice, guilty pleas, trial rights, sentencing, double jeopardy, and post-trial procedures
  • Increased emphasis on the role of prosecutorial decision-making
  • An updated treatment of the critical role of plea bargaining
  • A new section on forfeitures and the Eighth Amendment

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • A rigorous and challenging criminal procedure casebook with careful presentation and editing
  • A prestigious author team that incorporates the latest and most highly respected developments in legal scholarship in the field of criminal procedure law
  • An appropriate balance of explanatory text and secondary material
  • Thematic organization structured around important main themes
  • Extensive revisions and updates

A casebook that is the only criminal procedure casebook on the market today that enables students to understand the roots of the modern controversy over privacy and security in a digital age

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Fifth Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Criminal Procedure
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