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Corporate and White Collar Crime: Cases and Materials, Eighth Edition

  • Kathleen F. Brickey
  • Jennifer Taub
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials

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With its focus on substantive law, this eighth edition of Corporate and White Collar Crime: Cases and Materials provides comprehensive consideration of major white-collar crime statutes in the federal criminal code, securities laws, and environmental statutes.

New to the 8th Edition:
  • Landmark new U.S. Supreme Court decisions concerning obstruction of justice: Fischer v. United States (2024) and federal program bribery: Synder v. U.S. (2024)
  • Significant new U.S. Supreme Court decisions related to wire fraud: Pereco v. U.S. (2023) and Ciminelli v. U.S. (2023)
  • Dueling sentencing memos in the high-profile conviction of Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos
  • White Collar Crime enforcement policy shift from the Biden Administration including public remarks by Deputy Attorney General, Lisa O. Monaco
  • New Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations from Title 9 of the Justice Manual, as revised through October 2024
Professors and students will benefit from:
  • Energetic and clear written explanations of white collar criminal offenses and concise case excerpts
  • Attention to the Responsible Corporate Officer doctrine and individual responsibility for corporate crime generally
  • Case selection that illustrates the elements of proof for the main federal white collar criminal offenses
  • Expanded notes and questions
Teaching materials include:
  • Case summaries
  • Answers to the questions posed in the casebook
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About the authors
Kathleen F. Brickey

The Late Kathleen F. Brickey, a nationally recognized scholar who specialized in the field of corporate and white collar crime, was the James Carr Professor of Criminal Jurisprudence at Washington University. The author of four books and more than two dozen articles, Professor Brickey wrote extensively on corporate liability issues, the federalization of criminal law, and environmental crime. She was elected to membership in the American Law Institute and the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law in 1988 and served as chair of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Criminal Justice and as a consultant to the United States Sentencing Commission.

Jennifer Taub

Jennifer Taub is a Professor of Law at Vermont Law School where she teaches courses in Contracts, Corporations, Securities Regulation, and White Collar Crime. Taub is an expert in federal securities laws and financial market regulation. She has explored issues of enterprise liability and individual accountability, including in her financial crisis book, Other People's Houses: How Decades of Bailouts, Captive Regulators, and Toxic Bankers Made Home Mortgages a Thrilling Business, published in 2014 by Yale Press.

Taub has written on the impact that recently proposed "mens rea" reform would have on federal white-collar criminal enforcement, including as a guest columnist for the New York Times DealBook. In 2016, she co-hosted a symposium with Vermont Law Review students on "Criminal Culpability: Who Deserves Punishment." This event featured panels on white-collar crime and the future of enforcement policy. She has testified before the United States Senate Banking Committee and a United States House Financial Services Subcommittee concerning financial reform matters. Taub is a graduate of Yale College and Harvard Law School and was formerly an associate general counsel at Fidelity Investments.

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Eighth Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Criminal Law , White Collar Crime
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