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Legal Research Explained, Fifth Edition

  • Deborah E. Bouchoux
Series / Aspen Paralegal Series
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The Fifth Edition of Legal Research Explainedoffers accessible, complete, and timely coverage specifically created for Legal Research courses. Deborah E. Bouchoux’s popular building-block approach ensures that all students can master these essential skills.

The text is divided into five sections: 1) conducting legal research using primary authorities; 2) conducting legal research using secondary authorities and other research aids; 3) electronic and computer resources; 4) legal citation form and validating authorities; and 5) “putting it all together,” providing a final overview of the legal research process.

Research assignments in each chapter, completely updated for this edition, give students practice with both conventional print resources and online sources. Charts, diagrams, and sample pages from research resources help students understand complex topics. In addition, Practice Tips in each chapter offer realistic and helpful suggestions for workplace success, and Ethics Alerts are included throughout the book.

New to the Fifth Edition:

  • New “Sidebar” feature provides quick tips showing how the material in that chapter applies to computer-assisted legal research systems, such as Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law.
  • Discussion of GovInfo, which provides free public access to official and authenticated publications from all three branches of the federal government.
  • Coverage of new tools used for cite-checking, including EVA and Bestlaw.
  • Discussion of Westlaw Edge, Westlaw’s new research platform.
  • Extensive new coverage of artificial intelligence features that boost legal research.
  • References to helpful YouTube videos for tips on Shepardizing, KeyCiting, and researching.
  • New section on sources that provide free public access to the law, including Harvard’s Caselaw Access Project, CourtListener, and RECAP Project.
  • New section on preparing informal or email memoranda, with a new assignment.
  • All new Research Questions and Internet Legal Research Assignments included.

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • Pedagogy designed to enhance the accessibility of the material, including helpful charts and diagrams, annotated sample pages and screen shots that illustrate legal research authorities, updated Practice Tips offering realistic and helpful suggestions for workplace success, and Ethics Alerts in every chapter.
  • Well-designed assignments help students learn how to use a wide range of research sources.
  • Chapters that demonstrate citation form for the resources discussed.
  • Conscientious revision that ensures that the book has the most up-to-date material, presented in a readable and accessible format.
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About the authors
Deborah E. Bouchoux
Georgetown University

Deborah E. Bouchoux is a licensed attorney with more than twenty-five years of experience in legal education and private practice. She has taught at paralegal programs in various universities, including the University of San Diego and Georgetown University. She is the author of various texts including:

  • Legal Research and Writing for Paralegals

  • Business Organizations for Paralegals

  • Fundamentals of Business Organizations for Paralegals

  • Intellectual Property for Paralegals

  • Protecting Your Company’s Intellectual Property

  • Cite Checker: A Hands-On Guide to Citation Form

  • Cite-Mate (a guide to citation form)

  • The Aspen Handbook for Legal Writers

  • The Practical Paralegal: Strategies for Success

Ms. Bouchoux has spoken on a variety of legal topics at private law firms, Fortune 500 companies (including Marriott International and Exxon-Mobil), and various government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and the U.S. Tax Court. Ms. Bouchoux is a member of the Bar of the District of Columbia (active) and the California State Bar (inactive).

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Fifth Edition
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Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Legal Research
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