Allen v. Allen: Client Counseling, Negotiation, and Mediation Advocacy in Divorce Disputes, Second Edition
Allen v. Allen: Client Counseling, Negotiation, and Mediation Advocacy in Divorce Disputes, Second Edition
This file is designed to develop the out-of-court representational skills of present and future divorce lawyers. It focuses on the case of Allen v. Allen and the divorce lawyer’s role in representing a client in the negotiation and mediation of the Allen’s divorce dispute. This file stresses the link between counseling a client, negotiation on behalf of a client, and representing a client at the mediation session.
This counseling, negotiation, and mediation representation file is a companion to a trial case file and a depositions case file with the same name and family. The trial file and depositions file focus on advocacy skills in divorce disputes that cannot be resolved through mediation or negotiation.
Product Information
Allen v. Allen: Client Counseling, Negotiation, and Mediation Advocacy in Divorce Disputes, Second Edition