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Success Kit for Professional Responsibility

  • W. Bradley Wendel
  • Dru Stevenson
  • James E. Moliterno
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBNs 9798886140576, 9798889064947, 9781543816907, and 9798889065388.

More about Examples & Explanations for Professional Responsibility, the Seventh Edition is a thorough and comprehensive text that can be used by students as a study aid and by professional responsibility teachers as a class text. It covers the whole field of professional responsibility, focusing not only on the ABA Model Rules, but on the often-complex relationship between the rules and doctrines of agency, tort, contract, evidence, and constitutional law.

Bundle includes Glannon Guide to Professional Responsibility: Learning Professional Responsibility Through Multiple-Choice Questions and Analysis, Fourth EditionGlannon Guides can help you better understand your classroom lecture with straightforward explanations of tough concepts with hypos that help you understand their application.

With Emanuel Law Outlines for Professional Responsibility, the most trusted name in law school outlines, the Sixth Edition, supports your class preparation, provide reference for your outline creation, and supply a comprehensive breakdown of topic matter for your entire study process. Created by Steven Emanuel, these course outlines have been relied on by generations of law students. Each title includes both capsule and detailed versions of the critical issues and key topics you must know to master the course. Also included are exam questions with model answers, an alpha-list of cases, and a cross reference table of cases for all of the leading casebooks.

Lastly, bundle includes Emanuel CrunchTime for Professional Responsibility. The Sixth Edition provides the right information, in the right format, at the right time to prepare for exams. Based on the trusted Emanuel Law Outlines developed by a Harvard law student (while he was in law school), Emanuel CrunchTime skillfully employs flow charts so you can walk step-by-step through the major principles and topics in the course in a pattern that can be used to analyze any exam question. Abundant tips and ample review features help you approach the final with confidence. The Capsule Summary allows you to quickly review key concepts, and you can test your knowledge by working through the many Short-Answer Q&A s. CrunchTime lets you practice your essay exam skills as well. Exams Tips based on hundreds of past law school and bar exam questions recap the legal issues commonly tested. CrunchTime study aids structure the maximum amount of information you can learn in the last week before exams.

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About the authors
W. Bradley Wendel
Cornell University

Brad Wendel is a professor at Cornell Law School. Professor Wendel joined the Cornell faculty in 2004, after teaching at Washington and Lee Law School from 1999-2004. Before entering graduate school and law teaching, he was a product liability litigator at Bogle Gates in Seattle and a law clerk for Judge Andrew J. Kleinfeld on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. His teaching interests are in the regulation of the legal profession and torts, and his research focuses on the application of moral and political philosophy to problems of legal ethics. Professor Wendel is the author of Examples & Explanations: Professional Responsibility, also published by Aspen Publishing.

Dru Stevenson
Professor of Law

Professor Stevenson joined the faculty at South Texas College of Law Houston in 2003, and teaches Administrative Law/Regulation, Professional Responsibility, Nonprofit Incorporation, Legislation, and the Law & Economics seminar. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Connecticut School of Law, where he served as an editor of the Connecticut Law Review. After receiving his J.D., he practiced as a Legal Aid lawyer in Connecticut for three years. He earned his Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the Yale Law School in 2002, and became an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Connecticut until leaving to accept his position at South Texas College of Law Houston. Professor Stevenson’s publications cover topics ranging from criminal law to civil procedure, with an emphasis on the intersection of law with economics and linguistic theory. His articles have been cited in leading academic journals and treatises, by federal and state appellate courts, and in recent briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court. Professor Stevenson’s current research focus is firearm law and policy.

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Professional Responsibility
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