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Family Law in a Changing America, Second Edition
Douglas NeJaime, R. Richard Banks, Joanna L. Grossman , Suzanne A. Kim
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Aspen Treatise for Federal Jurisdiction, Eighth Edition
Erwin Chemerinsky
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Sports Law and Regulation: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Sixth Edition
Matthew J. Mitten, Timothy Davis, N. Jeremi Duru, Barbara Osborne
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law, Fourth Edition
Jay Folberg, Dwight Golann, Thomas J. Stipanowich, Jennifer Reynolds, Amy J. Schmitz
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Negotiation: Processes for Problem Solving, Third Edition
Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow, Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Lela Porter Love
Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Torts Process, Tenth Edition
James A. Henderson, Douglas A. Kysar
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
United States v. Clark: Case File, Second Edition
Donald Q. Cochran
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Examples & Explanations for Corporations, Ninth Edition
Alan R. Palmiter
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Emanuel Law Outlines for Civil Procedure, Twenty-sixth Edition
Steven L. Emanuel
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Bundle: Property, Tenth Edition and Connected Quizzing
Jesse Dukeminier, James E. Krier, Gregory S. Alexander, Michael S. Schill, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz
Digital Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Modern Constitutional Law: Cases, Problems and Practice, Third Edition
Lawrence Friedman
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Aspen Treatise for Property, Sixth Edition
Joseph William Singer, Nestor M. Davidson
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication, Fourth Edition
Erwin Chemerinsky, Laurie L. Levenson
Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Evidence in Context: A Trial Evidence Workbook, Sixth Edition
Robert P. Burns, Steven Lubet, Richard E. Moberly
Legal Writing, Fifth Edition
Richard K. Neumann, Sheila Simon, Suzianne D. Painter-Thorne
Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Federal Courts in Context, First Edition
Erwin Chemerinsky, Seth Davis, Fred O. Smith, Norman W. Spaulding
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Lawyer Negotiation: Theory, Practice, and Law, Fourth Edition
Jay Folberg, Jennifer Reynolds
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Principles of Appellate Advocacy, Second Edition
Daniel P. Selmi, Rebecca Delfino
Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Examples & Explanations for Federal Income Tax, Eighth Edition
Katherine Pratt, Thomas D. Griffith, Joseph Bankman
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Gender and Law: Theory, Doctrine, Commentary, Ninth Edition
Katharine T. Bartlett, Deborah L. Rhode, Joanna L. Grossman , Deborah L. Brake, Frank Rudy Cooper
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Glannon Guide to Torts: Learning Torts Through Multiple-Choice Questions and Analysis, Fourth Edition
Richard L. Hasen
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Business Organizations, Third Edition
Theresa A. Gabaldon, Christopher L. Sagers
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Constitutional Law 2024 Case Supplement
Geoffrey R. Stone, Louis Michael Seidman, Cass R. Sunstein, Mark V. Tushnet, Pamela S. Karlan, Aziz Huq, Leah M. Litman
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Constitutional Law: Cases in Context, Fourth Edition
Randy E. Barnett, Josh Blackman
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method, Seventh Edition
John C. Dernbach, Richard V. Singleton, Cathleen S. Wharton, Catherine J. Wasson
Connected eBook with Study Center + Paperback
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Bundle: The Law Governing Lawyers: Model Rules, Restatement, and Other Sources of Law 2024-2025 and Connected Quizzing
Susan R. Martyn, Lawrence J. Fox, W. Bradley Wendel
Bundle: Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials , Tenth Edition with Rules of Contract Law 2023-2024 Statutory Supplement and Connected Quizzing
Charles L. Knapp
Connected eBook Print + Multi Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Law of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance, Third Edition
Geoffrey P. Miller
Connected eBook + Hardcover
Connected eBook (Digital Only)