Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Sixth Edition
Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Sixth Edition
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A flexible, concise, and engaging casebook, Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems focuses on core concepts and central controversies in evidence law, presented through tightly edited cases, stimulating commentary from a wide range of perspectives, and carefully crafted problems. The sixth edition, while as streamlined and teachable as its predecessors, includes excerpts from more than seventy new cases (including six from the United States Supreme Court), portions of close to thirty new articles by a diverse array of scholars, excerpts from new Advisory Committee notes, and half a dozen new problems. There are new materials on evidentiary issues in cases of sexual assault and abuse, along with new cases and commentary addressing, for example, the use of rap lyrics as evidence, the challenge of “deep fakes,” the evidentiary uses of artificial intelligence, issues of race and gender in character evidence and impeachment, and other key topics. The casebook is well known for its teacher’s manual, which offers clear problem answers and concrete guidance for the classroom.
New to the 6th Edition:
● New materials on evidentiary issues in cases of sexual assault and abuse, along with new cases and commentary addressing, for example, the use of rap lyrics as evidence, the challenge of “deep fakes,” the evidentiary uses of artificial intelligence, and other key topics
● Updated materials on scientific proof and digital evidence and on issues of race and gender
● Excerpts from more than 70 new cases and close to 30 new articles
● New problems and editorial material throughout
Professors and students will benefit from:
● Extraordinarily strong teacher’s manual with detailed lesson plans and clear answers to all the problems.
● Two authors who were both trial lawyers (one a prosecutor, one a public defender), who have received campus-wide teaching awards, and who enjoy interacting with and sharing ideas and materials with teachers who use the book.
● Flexible structure that allows the book to be taught cover-to-cover in a four-unit, one-semester class, but also can be abridged or rearranged to suit course length and instructor’s preferences.
● Comprehensive coverage with a wide range of perspectives.
● Text written with clarity and concision, including well-selected and tightly edited cases.
● Balanced mix of cases, commentary, and problems covering relevance, hearsay, character evidence, impeachment, privilege, expert testimony, and authentication.
● Well-written introductory materials identify key issues, important distinctions, and common sources of confusion.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Evidence Law
Chapter 2 Relevance
Chapter 3 Hearsay
Chapter 4 Character Evidence
Chapter 5 Other Forbidden Inferences
Chapter 6 Trial Mechanics
Chapter 7 Impeachment and Rehabilitation
Chapter 8 Competence
Chapter 9 Opinions, Experts, and Scientific Evidence
Chapter 10 Privileges
Chapter 11 Physical Evidence
Chapter 12 Burdens, Presumptions, and Judicial Notice
Table of Cases
Table of Rules, Statutes, and Constitutional Provisions
Product Information
Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Sixth Edition
Connected eBook with Study Center + Hardcover
Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Sixth Edition
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital Only)
Evidence: Cases, Commentary, and Problems, Sixth Edition