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Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Joel Wm. Friedman
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Bankruptcy, Second Edition
Joel Wm. Friedman
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Administrative Law
Joel Wm. Friedman
Digital Product
Casenote Legal Briefs for International Law, Keyed to Dunoff, Ratner, and Wippman, Fifth Edition
Casenote Legal Briefs
What Millennial Lawyers Want: A Bridge from the Past to the Future of Law Practice
Susan Smith Blakely
Emanuel Law in a Flash for Corporations and Other Business Entities
Steven L. Emanuel
Emanuel Law in a Flash for Criminal Law
Steven L. Emanuel
Bundle: Researching the Law: Finding What You Need When You Need It, Fourth Edition and Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity, First Edition
April G. Dawson , Amy E. Sloan
Print Bundle
Digital Bundle
Emanuel Law in a Flash: Upper Level Bundle
Steven L. Emanuel, Dru Stevenson, Neal D. Fortin
Bundle: The Legal Research and Writing Handbook: A Basic Approach for Paralegals, Ninth Edition and Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity, First Edition
April G. Dawson , Andrea B. Yelin, Hope Viner Samborn
Print Bundle
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Bundle: Torts: Cases and Questions, Third Edition and Aspen Aloud: Torts
Ward Farnsworth, Mark F. Grady
Digital Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Bundle: Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials , Eighth Edition with PracticePerfect Constitutional Law I and PracticePerfect Constitutional Law II
Sanford Levinson, Jack M. Balkin, Akhil Reed Amar, Reva B. Siegel, Cristina M. Rodriguez, Steven D. Schwinn, Kathleen M. Burch, Doni Gewirtzman
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Bundle: A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy, Sixth Edition with Connected Quizzing
Mary Beth Beazley
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Bundle: Evidence Law: Policy, Practice, and Problems with Connected Quizzing
Laurie L. Levenson, Brian M. Hoffstadt
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Bundle: Contracts in Context: From Transaction to Litigation, Second Edition and PracticePerfect Contracts
Nadelle Grossman, Eric A. Zacks, Ben Templin, Alexandra D. Lahav, Kamina A. Pinder
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Bundle: Cases, Problems, and Materials on Contracts, Ninth Edition with Connected Quizzing
Douglas J. Whaley
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Bundle: Evidence Under the Rules: Text, Cases, and Problems , Tenth Edition with Connected Quizzing
Christopher B. Mueller
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Digital Bundle
Bundle: Practical Guide to Legal Writing and Legal Method, Seventh Edition and Legal Writing
John C. Dernbach, Richard V. Singleton, Cathleen S. Wharton, Catherine J. Wasson
Digital Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Bundle: Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems: Cases, Statutes, and Problems, Sixth Edition with Connected Quizzing
Arthur Best, David W. Barnes, Nicholas Kahn-Fogel
Digital Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Bundle: Contemporary Trusts and Estates, Fourth Edition with Connected Quizzing and PracticePerfect
Susan N. Gary, Jerome Borison, Naomi R. Cahn, Paula A. Monopoli, Joseph W. Glannon, Patrick Shin, Julie Steiner
Bundle: Legal Writing: Process, Analysis, and Organization, Eighth Edition and Connected Quizzing
Linda H. Edwards, Samantha A. Moppett
Digital Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Bundle: Cases and Materials on Business Entities, Fifth Edition and Connected Quizzing
Eric A. Chiappinelli
Digital Bundle
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Allen v. Allen: Deposition File, Faculty Materials, Second Edition
Andrew I. Schepard, Gregory Firestone, Philip M. Stahl, Sonya Johnson
United States ex rel. Rodriguez v. Hughes, et. al.: Trial, First Edition
Paul J. Zwier, Reuben A. Guttman, Matthew J. McCoyd, Alexander G. Barney