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Huntington v. Aster: Case File, First Edition

  • Warren A. Jones
  • Joseph E. Taylor
Series / NITA
Teaching Materials
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Rose Huntington, the plaintiff, is suing Mark Aster, the defendant, for professional negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, conversion, and set aside of irrevocable trust. Mark helped April, Rose's daughter, convert Rose's will into an irrevocable trust. The trust named April as the sole trustee over Rose's 1.5 million dollar estate. Rose alleges that she didn't fully understand the terms of the trust when she signed it, and that Mark failed to fully explain the trust's conditions to her. April invested half of Rose's estate into two Peruvian development projects. April and Mark then traveled to Peru to discuss the investments. During the trip April disappeared while scuba diving with Mark. The Peruvian police were unable to determine the cause of her disappearance. Mark Aster denies involvement in both April's decision to invest in the Peruvian projects and her disappearance. This complex case file will challenge students and professors. April Huntington's disappearance adds another dimension to this case, allowing students to argue their position from several angles. There are comprehensive exhibits and four witnesses, including two estate law expert witnesses.
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First Edition
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