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Electronic Commerce, Fourth Edition

  • Ronald J. Mann
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
Teaching Materials
The only casebook dealing with e-commerce, Electronic Commerce, Fourth Edition, utilizes problems to expound a transactional approach to electronic commerce. Written by Ronald J. Mann, a preeminent and prolific Commercial Law scholar, this system-oriented text is structured around the hypothetical representation of a technology company.

The new edition has been meticulously updated with the latest cases and problems that reflect those cases and current issues.

This concise casebook offers:

  • Distinguished authorship: Ronald Mann is a leading scholar in Commercial Law and recently served as Reporter for revisions to UCC Articles 3, 4, and 4A.
  • Lucid and concise reading assignments that use non-technical language whenever possible. Need-to-know technology is explained clearly and accessibly.
  • Exercises that clearly illustrate current issues in e-commerce practice.
  • Dozens of separate assignments so that professors can easily concentrate on their own areas of interest.
  • Coverage of important commercial law topics, including:
    • Click-through contracts
    • Cybersquatting
    • Web site development
    • Software licensing
    • Electronic payments

New to the Fourth Edition:

  • Updated problems based on recent case law and current issues.
  • New cases, including:
    • Rescuecom Corp. v. Google and Second Circuit decision permitting lawsuit against Google for selling ads based on trademarked name
    • Jacobsen v. Katzer and First appellate decision validating licenses for open-source software
    • Jaynes v. Commonwealth of Virginia and Virginia Supreme Court case invalidating Virginia anti-spam law under First Amendment
    • Fair Housing Council v. and Ninth Circuit en banc decision on liability of Web site for discriminatory postings seeking roommates
    • Chicago Lawyers and Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc. v. CraigsList, Inc. and Easterbrook decision exonerating CraigsList for behavior similar to Roommates behavior condemned by Ninth Circuit
    • Conwell v. Gray Loon Outdoor Marketing Group, Inc. and Indiana Supreme Court case interpreting contract for design of Web site

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About the authors
Ronald J. Mann

Law clerk to Judge Joseph T. Sneed, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (1985-1986). Law clerk to Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., Supreme Court of the United States (1986-1987) . Practiced real estate and transactional law in Houston, Texas (1987-1991). Worked for the Justice Department as an Assistant for the Solicitor General of the United States, (1991-1994) . Joined the University of Texas faculty in 2003. Assistant professor of law (1997-1999), and professor of law (1999-2003), at the University of Michigan. Assistant professor of law (1994-1997), and professor of law (1997), at Washington University. Visiting professor of law at Harvard in 2005. Joined the Columbia Law School faculty on July 1, 2007 as Albert E. Cinelli Enterprise Professor of Law. Member of the American Law Institute. Recently served as the reporter for the amendments to Articles 3 and 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

Product Information
Fourth Edition
Publication date
Commercial Law
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