Bundle: Twenty-First Century Procedure, Third Edition with Federal Rules of Procedure: With Advisory Committee Notes and Other Materials, 2023
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Bundle: Twenty-First Century Procedure, Third Edition with Federal Rules of Procedure: With Advisory Committee Notes and Other Materials, 2023
Book length
1392 pages
Publication Date
Third Edition
This bundle contains:
Twenty-First Century Procedure, Third Edition
Christopher B. Mueller
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital) ISBN: 9781543857030
Connected eBook with Study Center (Hardcover) ISBN: 9781543839067
Twenty-First Century Civil Procedure, Third Edition presents the major themes of U.S. civil litigation—the adversary system, our dedication to the use of juries in civil cases, our American brand of federalism and its impact on the judicial system and litigation generally, and the relatively recent development of managerial judging—for an introductory course on civil procedure. With its contemporary perspective, Twenty-First Century Civil Procedure includes discussion of modern problems, such as e-discovery and the requirement of careful scrutiny during the certification stage of class suits. The skillful pedagogy evident throughout the book is designed to provide context for the understanding of doctrines and issues, and to stimulate classroom discussion. Expository text introduces students to the issues, followed by carefully edited cases that resolve some of the more important issues, practical Problems, and Notes and Questions that aid the process of analysis. Pictures and sidebars provide additional context and pique student interest. A statutory supplement is published annually.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: With Advisory Committee Notes 2023
Christopher B. Mueller
Connected eBook (Digital) ISBN: 9798889062295
This edition of The Rules of Civil Procedure includes the Rules in full text in Part 1, followed in Part 2 by selected Advisory Committee Notes. This arrangement makes the most frequently used material (the Rules themselves) readily available for classroom use and study. Also included in this supplement are selected Rules of Appellate Procedure (Part 3), the U.S. Constitution (Part 4), selected federal statutes governing courts and matters of jurisdiction (Part 5), the Rules of Evidence (Part 6), and new notes and cases relating to Civil Procedure (Part 7).
Twenty-First Century Procedure, Third Edition
Christopher B. Mueller
Connected eBook with Study Center (Digital) ISBN: 9781543857030
Connected eBook with Study Center (Hardcover) ISBN: 9781543839067
Twenty-First Century Civil Procedure, Third Edition presents the major themes of U.S. civil litigation—the adversary system, our dedication to the use of juries in civil cases, our American brand of federalism and its impact on the judicial system and litigation generally, and the relatively recent development of managerial judging—for an introductory course on civil procedure. With its contemporary perspective, Twenty-First Century Civil Procedure includes discussion of modern problems, such as e-discovery and the requirement of careful scrutiny during the certification stage of class suits. The skillful pedagogy evident throughout the book is designed to provide context for the understanding of doctrines and issues, and to stimulate classroom discussion. Expository text introduces students to the issues, followed by carefully edited cases that resolve some of the more important issues, practical Problems, and Notes and Questions that aid the process of analysis. Pictures and sidebars provide additional context and pique student interest. A statutory supplement is published annually.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: With Advisory Committee Notes 2023
Christopher B. Mueller
Connected eBook (Digital) ISBN: 9798889062295
This edition of The Rules of Civil Procedure includes the Rules in full text in Part 1, followed in Part 2 by selected Advisory Committee Notes. This arrangement makes the most frequently used material (the Rules themselves) readily available for classroom use and study. Also included in this supplement are selected Rules of Appellate Procedure (Part 3), the U.S. Constitution (Part 4), selected federal statutes governing courts and matters of jurisdiction (Part 5), the Rules of Evidence (Part 6), and new notes and cases relating to Civil Procedure (Part 7).
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Product Information
Third Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Civil Procedure
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Bundle: Twenty-First Century Procedure, Third Edition with Federal Rules of Procedure: With Advisory Committee Notes and Other Materials, 2023
Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
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