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Bundle: Evidence: Practice, Problems, and Rules, Fourth Edition and Federal Rules of Evidence with Practice Problems 2024 Supplement

  • Arthur Best
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9798889066002 and a digital-only version of supplement ISBN 9798892077439.

Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9798889066019 and a digital-only version of supplement ISBN 9798892077439.


More about Evidence: Practice, Problems, and Rules, offering a tested selection of interesting modern cases that help students learn the rules, recognize difficult issues of application, examine the policy choices inherent in the rules, and build their case-reading and analytical skills, the Fourth Edition is focused on preparing students for bar passage and law practice. Concise notes, relatively few in number, maximize the likelihood that students will engage with them. Examples of provocative minority approaches frame the Federal Rules choices. Essay-style problems and multiple-choice questions are presented throughout to give students practice with each element of evidence rules and laws.

Bundle also includes Federal Rules of Evidence with Practice Problems 2024 Supplement.

Professor Materials
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About the authors
Arthur Best
Professor of Law
Sturm College of Law & University of Denver

Before entering law teaching, Arthur Best worked in the general counsel’s office of the Federal Communications Commission, as a trial attorney for the Federal Trade Commission, as a project director for Ralph Nader’s Center for Study of Responsive Law, and as a deputy commissioner in the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs. He has published broadly in fields including evidence, torts, advertising regulation, dispute resolution, and lawyers’ ethics. Among his books are When Consumers Complain (Columbia University Press: 1981), Evidence: Examples and Explanations (6th edition, Aspen Publishing: 2007), Basic Tort Law (2d edition, Aspen Publishing: 2007) (co-author), and annual and semi-annual Wigmore on Evidence Supplement volumes (Aspen Publishing: since 1995).

Recent articles are “Student Evaluations of Law Teaching Work Well: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree,” 40 Southwestern L. Rev. 1 (2007), “Impediments to Reasonable Tort Reform: Lessons from the Adoption of Comparative Negligence,” 40 Ind. L. Rev. 1 (2007), “Internet Yellow Page Advertising,” 55 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 67 (co-author) (2006), and “Manufacturers’ Responsibility for Harms Suffered by Victims of Counterfeiters: A Modern Elaboration of Causation Rules and Fundamental Tort Law Policies,” 8 Currents: Int’l Trade L.J. 43 (Summer 1999).

Best has served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the Sturm College of Law at University of Denver and as president of the University’s Faculty Senate. He has represented the Association of American Law Schools and the American Bar Association as a member and chair of law school accreditation inspection teams. He has also served on the board of directors of Colorado Lawyers for the Arts and of the Denver-based Hannah Kahn Dance Company.

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Fourth Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
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