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Bundle: MBE Decoded: Multistate Bar Exam, First Edition and Strategies & Tactics for the MBE, Eighth Edition

  • Mary Basick
  • Tina Schindler
  • Steven L. Emanuel
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes a print version of ISBN 9781543830903 and a print version of ISBN 9781543839395.

More about MBE Decoded: Multistate Bar Exam, First Edition: This bar review is a fresh approach to MBE study which makes the vast amount of MBE tested rules manageable and understandable. The authors fully analyzed all NCBE released MBE questions to determine rule coverage and identify common testing patterns so you don’t have to. This book can be used during law school for early bar preparation or during intensive bar preparation by first-time takers and repeat bar takers who struggled on the MBE the first time. This book is a great resource for students to get essential MBE practice before they fully “know” the law, allowing students to get additional essential practice recognizing the fact patterns and testing styles that are key to passing. Pedagogically, this book encourages students to engage with the material, develop deep rule understanding, gain MBE pattern recognition, and aids in critical memorization efforts.

Bundle also includes Strategies & Tactics for the MBE: The new Eighth Edition has been carefully revised by Steve Emanuel and is full of up-to-date advice on how to analyze Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) questions in all MBE subject areas (Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Real Property, and Torts. Steve Emanuel—author of the Emanuel Law Outlines and CrunchTime books in the MBE-subject areas—has passed the bar exam in several states (including New York and California) and worked with law students to prepare them for taking the MBE.  

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About the authors
Mary Basick
Assistant Dean
Southwestern Law School

Mary Basick is the Assistant Dean for Bar Preparation and an Associate Professor of Law for Academic Success and Bar Preparation at Southwestern Law School, where she recently led the school to historic bar passage rates. For over a decade, she has successfully designed programs, developed innovative curricula, and taught courses in bar preparation and academic support.

Mary Basick has authored several popular bar preparation books with longtime collaborator Tina Schindler. Their books are known for being concise and practical, condensing vast amounts of substantive law into manageable concepts that are easy to understand. Together they have authored Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam (Aspen Publishing, 2nd ed. 2020), California Performance Test Workbook (Aspen Publishing, 2nd ed. 2020), and MBE Decoded (Aspen Publishing, 2021). Additionally, she authored the Multistate Bar Exam flash card set for the Emanuel Law in a Flash series.

Tina Schindler
Southwestern Law School

Professor Schindler is the Director of Bar Preparation and an Associate Professor of Law for Academic Success and Bar Preparation at Southwestern Law School, where she recently helped lead the school to historic bar passage rates. For over a decade, she has designed academic and bar exam support programs, created innovative curricula, directed bar preparation programs and pre-admission law school programs, taught courses and workshops in all California bar tested subjects, and published books that enable students to pass both the essay and performance test portion of the California Bar Exam.

She co-authored (with Mary Basick) a popular and highly rated bar preparation book, Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam, which is in its second edition. She also co-authored (with Mary Basick) the book, California Performance Test Workbook: Preparation for the Bar Exam, also in its second edition. Her work was also published in the book, Your Guide to Taking the Bar (Again).

In addition to teaching and publishing on bar exam subjects and test-taking strategies, Professor Schindler has graded and lectured for several bar preparation companies and served on several committees related to bar passage for the Association of Academic Support Educators (AASE). As an expert in the field of academic and bar support, Professor Schindler has been invited to present on bar exam topics at national conferences, including her heavily attended presentation on Improving Multiple-Choice Test Taking at the AASE Annual Conference.

Steven L. Emanuel

As a student at Harvard Law School, Steve Emanuel wrote concise outlines for his courses and sold them in the law school dining hall to his fellow students. His outlines were such an immediate hit that soon after graduation, Steve quit the practice of law and started his own company to publish the Emanuel ® Law Outlines series and other study-aid series he helped write. Over 2 million copies of study aids written by Steve have been sold. Steve is a member of the New York, Connecticut, Maryland, and Virginia bars, and has passed the California bar.

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First Edition
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Bar Preparation
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