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Inside Torts: What Matters and Why

  • J.P. Ogilvy
Series / Inside Series
Teaching Materials
Inside Torts: What Matters and Why is a concise, clearly-written, and student-friendly guide to the principal topics covered in most first-year torts courses. It is designed to provide the fundamentals while, at the same time, identifying some of complexities of modern tort law. The goal of the book is to demystify the doctrine without oversimplifying it.

Overviews briefly introduce the topics of each chapter. The detailed tables of contents provide a starting point for the student to begin his or her own course outline. FAQs identify common misconceptions and sort them out, and numerous Sidebars offer additional insights, study tips, and practice pointers. Chapter summaries and bolded key terms facilitate study and review by reminding students of the key concepts that are needed to perform well on examinations. Connections at the end of each chapter illustrate the interconnections between the topics, encouraging students to integrate their knowledge of torts.

Key Features:

  • Basic coverage of the main topics of torts.
  • Overviews provide a brief introduction to each chapter.
  • Detailed table of contents to each chapter.
  • FAQs with complete answers to address common mistakes and misconceptions.
  • Bold-faced legal terms and definitions to build legal vocabulary.
  • Sidebars that offer additional insights into the complexities of tort law.
  • Chapter summaries provide a quick review of the essential doctrine.
  • Connections section at the end of each chapter relates concepts to other chapters.
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About the authors
J.P. Ogilvy

Upon graduation from law school, Ordinary Professor J.P. "Sandy" Ogilvy practiced law with Gregory, Clyman, and Ogilvy from 1973 to 1975 and then with Legal Services for Northwest Pennsylvania and the Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati from 1976 to 1979. He earned an LL.M in Advocacy from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1982 and worked in GULC's Center for Applied Legal Studies clinic during the 1982-83 academic year. He began full-time law teaching at Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University, in 1983, where he developed several clinical programs in which he taught and supervised students. He also taught civil procedure and contracts.

He joined the faculty of the Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America, in 1991 to teach civil procedure and interviewing, counseling, and negotiation skills, and to become its Coordinator of Clinical Programs, a position he held until 2006. Currently, Professor Ogilvy is the Director of the Office of Law & Social Justice Initiatives and the Director of the National Archive of Clinical Legal Education, which is housed at the Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library at Columbus School of Law. He currently teaches Civil Procedure, Torts, and directs the Innocence Project Clinic & Clemency Project.

Professor Ogilvy is a past chair of the AALS Section on Pro Bono and Public Service Opportunities and a past chair of the AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education and currently is the historian for the organization. In addition to articles on the courts, pedagogical issues, and clinical legal education, he is the author (with Professors Leah Wortham, Lisa Lerman, Lucia Silecchia, Stacy Brustin, Margaret Barry, Assistant Dean Georgia Niedzielko, and Professor Liz Ryan Cole of Vermont Law School) of Learning from Practice: A Professional Development Text for Legal Externs, 2d ed. (ThomsonWest 2007).

Professor Ogilvy helped develop two listservs related to clinical legal education, "Lawclinic", hosted by Washburn University School of Law, and "Lextern", which is devoted to discussion of issues related to legal externship programs, hosted by The Catholic University of America. He also manages the LexternWeb website for the use of faculty and administrators of Legal Externship programs.

Professor Ogilvy was awarded the 2003 William Pincus Award by the Association of American Law Schools Section on Clinical Legal Education for outstanding contributions to the cause of clinical legal education and the advancement of justice. In 2013, he was awarded the Father Robert F. Drinan Award by the AALS Section on Pro Bono and Public Service Opportunities for forwarding the ethic of pro bono and public service in law schools through personal service, program design, and management.

Professor Ogilvy received his bachelor's degree from Portland State University in 1968 and, after a two-year hiatus defending our country’s northern border as a member of the U.S. Army in Alaska, his J.D. from Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College in 1973. He and his wife, Louise Howells, who also is a law school professor, are the parents of twin boys.

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