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1L Success Kit for Emanuel CrunchTime

  • Steven L. Emanuel
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBNs 9798889064879, 9798889065364, 9798889065715, 9798892075763, 9798892071932, and 9798889065616.  

Titles included in Digital Bundle are:
Emanuel CrunchTime for Constitutional Law, Twenty-First Edition
Emanuel CrunchTime for Civil Procedure, Seventh Edition
Emanuel CrunchTime for Contracts, Seventh Edition
Emanuel CrunchTime for Torts, Sixth Edition
Emanuel CrunchTime for Property, Sixth Edition
Emanuel CrunchTime for Criminal Law, Sixth Edition

When it’s exam time you need the right information in the right format to study efficiently and effectively. Emanuel® CrunchTime is the perfect tool for exam studying. With flowcharts and capsule summaries of major points of law and critical issues, as well as exam tips for identifying common traps and pitfalls, sample exam and essay questions with model answers – you will be prepared for your next big test.

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About the authors
Steven L. Emanuel

As a student at Harvard Law School, Steve Emanuel wrote concise outlines for his courses and sold them in the law school dining hall to his fellow students. His outlines were such an immediate hit that soon after graduation, Steve quit the practice of law and started his own company to publish the Emanuel ® Law Outlines series and other study-aid series he helped write. Over 2 million copies of study aids written by Steve have been sold. Steve is a member of the New York, Connecticut, Maryland, and Virginia bars, and has passed the California bar.

Product Information
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Digital Bundle
Constitutional Law , Civil Procedure , Contract Law , Tort Law , Property Law , Criminal Law
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