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PracticePerfect Business Organizations

  • Sung Eun (Summer) Kim
  • Eric A. Zacks
Series / PracticePerfect Series
Teaching Materials
Table of contents

PracticePerfect is a visually engaging interactive study aid designed to help students review core course topics and test their ability to recall and correctly apply the law. PracticePerfect contains a library of animated videos that explain course topics through hypothetical situations, quizzes to test knowledge and understanding, and progress trackers so students can identify their strengths and weaknesses in the course. Designed to work with all major casebooks, PracticePerfect is the ideal study companion for today's law students.           

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Summary of Contents

The Law of Agency     
  • Creating an Agency Relationship
  • Agent Authority
  • Principal-Agent Duties
The Law of Partnerships     
  • Forming a Partnership
  • How a Partnership Operates
  • Partnership Fiduciary Duties
  • Partnership Property and Partnership Interests
Limited Liability Companies     
  • Forming and Managing a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • LLC Fiduciary Duties
  • Limited Liability
Organization and Structure of Corporations     
  • Incorporation
  • Capital Structure
  • Directors, Officers, Shareholders, and other Corporate Stakeholders
  • Dividends and Distributions
  • Piercing the Corporate Veil
Closely Held Corporations     
  • Shareholder Voting in Closely Held Corporations
  • Transfer Restrictions and Preemptive Rights
  • Minority Shareholder Protections in Closely Held Corporations
  • Federal Regulation of Corporations
Corporate Social Responsibility     
  • Corporate Purpose and Corporate Social Responsibility
Fiduciary Duties     
  • Duty of Care and the Business Judgement Rule
  • Duty of Loyalty: Director's Conflicting Interest Transactions
  • Duty of Loyalty: Corporate Opportunity Doctrine
  • The Oversight Context, the Duty of Good Faith, and Caremark Claims
  • Litigation to Enforce Fiduciary Duties
  • Statutory Exculpation from Liability
Mergers and Acquisitions     
  • Corporate Combinations: Friendly Deals
  • Corporate Combinations: Hostile Deals and Associated Litigation
  • Controlling Shareholder Transactions
  • Disclosure Challenges
  • Appraisal Rights

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Business Organizations
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