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Bundle: K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, Third Edition with PracticePerfect Contracts

  • Tracey E. George
  • Russell Korobkin
  • Ben Templin
  • Alexandra Sickler
  • Kamina A. Pinder
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes both print and digital versions of ISBN 9781543815597 as well as PracticePerfect, ISBN 9781543852004.

Digital Bundle - This bundle includes a digital-only version of ISBN 9781543835588 as well as PracticePerfect, ISBN 9781543852004.


More about K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts, the Third Edition is the perfect casebook for the modern Contracts course. This highly-focused, case-based text offers a comprehensive treatment of the basic issues of contract law and emphasizes development of analogical reasoning skills. Each section is limited to three types of materials (brief narrative, judicial opinions, and discussion problems) and is designed to teach students how to read opinions, analyze issues, distinguish material from immaterial facts, and apply holdings to similar problems.

Bundle also includes PracticePerfect: Contracts, a visually engaging, interactive study aid designed to help students review core course topics and test their ability to recall and correctly apply the law. PracticePerfect contains a library of animated videos that explain course topics through hypothetical situations, quizzes to test knowledge and understanding, and progress trackers so students can identify their strengths and weaknesses in the course. Designed to work with all major casebooks, PracticePerfect is the ideal study companion for today's law students.

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About the authors
Tracey E. George

Tracey George is the vice provost for faculty affairs, the Charles B. Cox III and Lucy D. Cox Family Chair in Law and Liberty, and a professor of political science at Vanderbilt University. George teaches Contracts, Evidence, and The Life of the Law: An Introduction to the Study of Law in the law school, where she has earned the Hall-Hartman Teaching Prize eight times. In her scholarship, George brings a social science perspective to a range of topics, including judges and courts, judicial selection and elections, legal education and the legal profession, and contract law and theory. She has published numerous studies in which she examines how institutional design influences actions and outcomes in state and federal judicial systems. She is also a recognized expert on the study of legal education.

George received a J.D. from Stanford Law School and an M.A. in political science from Washington University. She was a tenured professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia and Northwestern University before joining Vanderbilt in 2004.

Russell Korobkin
Richard C. Maxwell Professor of Law
University of California, Los Angeles

Russell Korobkin is the Richard C. Maxwell Distinguished Professor of Law at the UCLA School of Law, where he also served as the Vice Dean for Academic and Institutional Affairs from 2015-19. He is the author of two textbooks, K: A Common Law Approach to Contracts (Aspen Publishing, 2d. ed., 2017) (with Tracey George) and Negotiation Theory and Strategy (Aspen Publishing, 3d ed., 2014), one university press book, Stem Cell Century: Law and Policy for a Breakthrough Technology (Yale, 2007), and more than 50 law journal articles on the subjects of contracts, law and economics, negotiation, and health care law. A former San Francisco management consultant and Washington D.C. lawyer, Professor Korobkin earned his undergraduate and law degrees from Stanford University. In addition to UCLA, he has taught full time at the University of Illinois, University of Texas, and Harvard University Law Schools and has taught intensive “short courses” at law and business schools on four continents.

Ben Templin
Thomas Jefferson School of Law

Professor Templin primarily teaches contracts, business associations, and remedies at Thomas Jefferson School of Law. Professor Templin’s work for Aspen Publishing also includes various study aids for contracts including PracticePerfect Contracts and Law in a Flash Contracts. Professor Templin also taught as a visiting professor at Mercer University School of Law and University of North Dakota School of Law as well as in summer abroad programs in Nice, France and Hangzhou, China. Professor Templin’s scholarly research currently focuses on contracts and contemporary law school pedagogy. Professor Templin’s early scholarship focused on public policy issues for topics ranging from social security reform to rule of law issues in China and the expression of the law in fine art. Prior to going to law school, Professor Templin had a 15-year career in magazine publishing, working primarily as an editor for print and electronic media for computer magazines.

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Third Edition
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Connected eBook Print + Digital Bundle
Contract Law
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