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State v. Burns: Case File, Seventh Edition

  • Donald H. Beskind
  • Anthony J. Bocchino
Series / NITA
Teaching Materials
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Down-on-his-luck dad, or hardened gangster? An apprehended robber implicates John Burns as the mastermind and getaway driver in a robbery gone wrong.

During an attempted hold-up of his grocery store, owner Ali Aboud pulls a gun from under the counter and fires at the robber, Lauren Jones. The bullet misses Jones but hits and kills Aboud’s wife, Rachel. Jones is arrested at the scene of the robbery and works out a plea deal with the State in return for his testimony.

The State alleges defendant John Burns planned the grocery store robbery, took Jones to the store in what was to be the getaway car, but fled, leaving Jones inside, when he heard a gunshot. Burns faces two felony counts: armed robbery for his alleged participation in the holdup and felony murder for Mrs. Aboud’s death.

New to the 7th Edition:

  • Social media evidence
  • Cell phone evidence
  • Color exhibits available to download and use in trial

Professors and students will benefit from:

  • A compact and accessible case file
  • Practice in all forms of examination including impeachment, rehabilitation and adverse witness examination
  • Three witnesses for each side allows for flexibility and strategic decision-making
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About the authors
Donald Beskind
Duke University School of Law

Donald H. Beskind is a Professor of the Practice of Law at Duke University School of Law where he directs and teaches in its Trial Practice program and teaches Evidence and Torts. After practicing law in Colorado for several years, Mr. Beskind was, in succession at Duke Law School, a John S. Bradway Fellow, an assistant professor, an associate professor, and the director of the Clinical Legal Studies Program. Mr. Beskind returned to full-time private practice from 1980 to 2010 specializing in plaintiff’s tort litigation and has been listed among the “Best Lawyers in America” in various publications since 1993. He continues to practice on a limited basis.

Mr. Beskind was a long-time program director for the National Institute for Trial Advocacy. He is co-author of BMI v. Minicom, Inc., State v. Burns, Problems in Trial Advocacy, Effective Use of Courtroom Technology: A Lawyer’s Guide to Pretrial and Trial, Developing Deposition Skills, and North Carolina Rules of Evidence with Objections. He has published articles and spoken on evidentiary and trial skills topics and runs trial training programs in the U.S. and Great Britain.

Anthony Bocchino
Jack E. Feinberg Professor of Litigation Emeritus
Temple University Beasley School of Law

Professor Anthony Bocchino is the Jack E. Feinberg Professor of Litigation Emeritus of the Temple University Beasley School of Law. He served as a full-time faculty member at both the University of Connecticut School of Law and the Duke University Law School before joining the Temple University Beasley School of Law faculty in 1979 and served for 10 years as the Director of Advocacy. He has designed the program, written materials, and taught in the law school’s Integrated Trial Advocacy Program, which has been twice awarded the Gumpert Award for Excellence in Teaching Trial Advocacy from the American College of Trial Lawyers, in addition to receiving the Gambrell Award for Teaching Professionalism from the American Bar Association.

Professor Bocchino has been honored with teaching awards from Duke University School of Law, where he received the Mordecai Society Award, and the Beasley School of Law, where he was the first recipient of the George P. Williams II Memorial Award. In addition, he has received the Oliphant Award from the National Institute for Trial Advocacy and the Richard S. Jacobson Award from the Association of Trial Lawyers of America for excellence in teaching the art and science of trial advocacy.

In addition to his law school duties, Professor Bocchino has an over 40-year relationship with NITA, and served as a faculty member, author, Editor in Chief, and Director. Bocchino has written materials and designed programs for trial, deposition, fact investigation, motion practice, and appellate advocacy programs for more than thirty law firms and numerous public agencies, including several projects for the Federal Judicial Center. He has also conducted needs analyses and designed litigation skill curricula for numerous law firms. His CLE materials and program designs are among the most frequently utilized by those organizations. In addition, he has and will customize materials to the specific needs of individual clients.

Professor Bocchino is the author of over sixty books and articles, predominantly in the fields of evidence, trial advocacy, civil litigation, and professional responsibility. His most recent book with David Sonenshein, entitled The Modern Deposition (Amazon 2017), has been evaluated as revolutionary and groundbreaking. His trial advocacy or deposition practice materials are used in a majority of the law schools in America, as well as in CLE litigation skills training in the public and private sectors.

Professor Bocchino is a member of the Order of the Coif, has been elected to the American Law Institute, and designated a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation; Litigation Counsel of America; and the International Society of Barristers.

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Seventh Edition
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