Domestic Violence: Legal and Social Reality, Second Edition
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854 pages
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Second Edition
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Domestic Violence: Legal and Social Reality, Second Edition is a domestic violence casebook featuring cases, statutes, notes, interdisciplinary materials, narratives, and problems. The text is illuminated by a particular sensitivity to the victim’s perspective as well as to issues of race, ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation.
New to the Second Edition:
Most up-to-date treatment, including coverage of pending Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization Act of 2018, federal guidance on campus sexual assault, reversal of federal policy on asylum, and national screening recommendations
Inclusion of new cases addressing same-sex intimate partner violence, federal firearms laws, tribal law, lethality assessment, and cyberstalking
Coverage of cutting-edge issues of revenge porn and role of domestic violence in mass shootings
New developments in child custody law, including the “safety-first” paradigm
Professors and students will benefit from:
Materials reflecting the social reality of intimate partner violence through human-interest narratives that complement the cases
Integration of interdisciplinary perspectives, including excerpts, notes, and questions emanating from history, literature, psychology, sociology, social work, criminology, and medicine
Analyses of current social science research to enhance student understanding
Focus on cutting-edge areas of law and often-ignored issues
Coverage of the full range of types of abuse
Presentation of a variety of problem exercises derived from actual cases and current events
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Professor of Law at University of California, Hastings, D. Kelly Weisberg is a lawyer and sociologist. She is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brandeis University, from which she also earned a Ph.D. in sociology in 1976. She received her J.D. from U.C. Berkeley in 1979, where she was a member of the California Law Review. Before joining the Hastings faculty in 1982, she worked at the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva, where she conducted legal research on the rights of children during the International Year of the Child. She has taught at Washington University School of Law, St. Louis, Boston University, and Hebrew University, Jerusalem (where she was a Lady Davis Fellow). For the Spring semester 2010, she holds the Hurst Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law.
Her research interests focus on issues in family law and children and the law. She has participated in federally-funded studies of juvenile parole, juvenile prostitution, family violence, and sexual exploitation of children. She served as a consultant for the American Bar Association, Women on Law Faculties Study, and for the American Justice Institute, National Juvenile Justice Assessment Center, for a study of child abuse. She testified before the Senate Subcommittee of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, on the relationship between runaway behavior and juvenile prostitution.
She teaches Family Law, Children and the Law, and Wills and Trusts. She is the author of several law review articles and books, including emChild, Family, State: Cases and Materials on Children and the Lawem (co-authored with Robert H. Mnookin) (Aspen Publishers, 5th ed. 2005); emAdoption and Assisted Reproduction: Families Under Constructionem (co-authored with Susan F. Appleton)(Aspen Publishers, 2009); emThe Birth of Surrogacy in Israelem (University Press of Florida, 2005); emModern Family Law: Cases and Materialsem (co-authored with Susan F. Appleton) (Aspen Publishers, 4th ed. 2009); and emApplications of Feminist Legal Theory to Women's Livesem (Temple University Press, 1996).
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Domestic Violence: Legal and Social Reality, Second Edition