Foolproof: The Art of Communication for Lawyers and Professionals, Second Edition
Series / NITA
Foolproof: The Art of Communication for Lawyers and Professionals, Second Edition
Book length
208 pages
Publication Date
Second Edition
If you want to successfully lead a meeting, make your case before a judge or jury, pitch a new client, counsel a client over the phone, or lecture to an audience of hundreds, you need to communicate with ease, confidence, and style. Foolproof: The Art of Communication for Lawyers and Professionals, written by international communications expert Rebecca Diaz-Bonilla, is a personal laboratory for improving your preparation for any oral communication, achieving vocal success, enhancing body language techniques, and expressing the right emotion. With a new chapter on women and communication, this second edition will help all readers speak with confidence and command the attention of their audience. Some are born with great skills in rhetoric. With practice, those talented few can become amazing. Others are terrified at the idea of speaking in public, and there are strategies to cope with that challenge. And then, there is everyone in between. After working through the advice and exercises in Foolproof, you will walk away more confident, armed with practical tools for developing your communication skills.
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Second Edition
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