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Bundle: Problems and Materials in Evidence and Trial Advocacy: Volume I / Cases, Seventh Edition and Problems and Materials in Evidence and Trial Advocacy: Volume II / Problems, Seventh Edition

  • Robert P. Burns
  • Steven Lubet
  • Richard E. Moberly
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials
Print Bundle - This bundle includes a print version of ISBN 9781601569783 and a print version of ISBN 9781601569806.

More about Problems and Materials in Evidence and Trial Advocacy, Volume One contains two fictional case files, containing material similar to that trial lawyers may have as they approach trial. The first file is a murder case, where the issue is the identity of the killer and the defendant is the estranged husband of the victim. The second file is a civil action for defamation brought by a former employee against her very wealthy employer. Both cases present engaging fact patterns as they introduce lawyers to the rigors of evidence rules. Both raise realistic and challenging issues in the law of evidence and allow for a critical assessment of that law. The cases are designed to raise realistic and challenging issues in trial theory and practice and in the law of evidence. The book is designed to be used with Volume II of Problems and Materials, which contains over three hundred problems in evidence and over sixty exercises in trial advocacy based on the files.

Bundle also includes Problems and Materials in Evidence and Trial AdvocacyVolume Two, which is designed as the workbook for coordinated courses in Evidence and Trial Advocacy. It contains over three hundred problems in evidence law and over sixty exercises in trial advocacy. It is designed to be used with Volume One of Problems and Materials, which contains two fictional case files, one criminal and the other civil.
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About the authors
Steven Lubet

Steven Lubet is a Professor of Law at Northwestern University. As Director of the Law School’s Program on Advocacy and Professionalism, he teaches courses on Legal Ethics, Trial Advocacy, Pretrial Litigation, and Negotiation. In addition to over fifty books and articles on legal ethics and litigation, he has published widely in the areas of international criminal law and dispute resolution. Professor Lubet is the author of Modern Trial Advocacy (currently in its sixth edition, which is co-authored by J.C. Lore), which has also been published in Canadian and Israeli editions. Professor Lubet is co-author of Judicial Conduct and Ethics (Lexis, 2000) (also currently in its sixth edition), which has been called the nation’s leading authority on judicial ethics. Professor Lubet’s other books include Nothing but the Truth: Why Trial Lawyers Don’t, Can’t and Shouldn’t Have to Tell the Whole Truth (NYU Press, 2001), as well as Exercises and Problems in Professional Responsibility (NITA) and Problems and Materials in Evidence and Trial Advocacy (NITA), both co-authored with Northwestern University School of Law Professors Robert Burns and Thomas Geraghty. In conjunction with the National Institute for Trial Advocacy, he has organized litigation programs in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

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Seventh Edition
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