Written by a recent law school graduate with an extraordinary success story, Excelling in Law School: A Complete Approach transcends merely surviving the experience, demonstrating how to earn high grades by working smart, excel in extracurricular activities, publish, and land top jobs. The author aced his first year at a fourth tier law school and transferred to a top-10 school from which he graduated, magna cum laude. Now, he shares his insights and his experience, surpassing expectations set by his less-than-lustrous LSAT scores. Miller relieves some of the anxiety about law school by conveying proven strategies that will appeal to today's tech-savvy law student. He outlines the available resources and study-aids and shows how to effectively use new technologies such as websites that distribute outlines, companies that provide MP3s of detailed lectures on first year courses, student-maintained outline banks, recorded lectures, professor podcasts, and PowerPoint slides. Students learn the specific, unique skills required to approach law reviews and scholarships and to hunt for jobs. Excelling in Law School: A Complete Approach observes successful tactics used by other students and guides readers in selecting the strategies and resources that best fit each personality.
Features of Excelling in Law School:
A unique book written by a recent law school graduate with a stunning success story
Goes beyond the basics of surviving law school
earning high grades
excelling in extracurricular activities
landing top jobs
Helps students excel
shows how to work smart
relieves some anxiety about law school
conveys proven strategies
Designed for today's tech-savvy law student
Showcases the study-aid market and effective use new technologies
websites that distribute outlines
companies that provide MP3s of detailed lectures on first year courses
student-maintained outline banks
recorded lectures
professor podcasts
PowerPoint slides
Reveals effective, specific skills and unique approaches
law reviews
Outlines available resources
Illustrates the author's personal success, one that can be tailored for any law school student
how the author personally aced each area
strategies and tactics observed in use by other students
how to select the strategy and resources that best fit the reader's personality
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