Emanuel Law in a Flash for Torts
Series / Emanuel Law in a Flash Series
Emanuel Law in a Flash for Torts
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Every law student’s “must-have” for exam prep! Tort Law covers many different kinds of claims that don’t seem to have a lot in common. In fact, defining a tort isn’t very easy. It’s sometimes described as any civil (as opposed to criminal) claim that isn’t a contract claim. There are two issues that determine what kind of tort claim arises from any given set of facts: the level of the defendant’s fault, and what interest of the plaintiff’s the defendant may have harmed. There are three levels of fault: intent, negligence, and strict liability.
This edition begins with the highest level of fault, including intentional torts (battery, assault, trespass), then negligence, and finally strict liability, which is the lowest level of fault.
With Law in a Flash, you have the foundation to improve exam performance. Once you’re familiar with this content, you can face your exam with the confidence of knowing and understanding the key principles and issues that are normally tested in a Torts course.
This edition begins with the highest level of fault, including intentional torts (battery, assault, trespass), then negligence, and finally strict liability, which is the lowest level of fault.
With Law in a Flash, you have the foundation to improve exam performance. Once you’re familiar with this content, you can face your exam with the confidence of knowing and understanding the key principles and issues that are normally tested in a Torts course.
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Tort Law
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Emanuel Law in a Flash for Torts
Digital Flashcards