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USPTO Trademark Law and Practice, First Edition

  • Loletta Darden
Series / Aspen Coursebook Series
Teaching Materials

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This first edition coursebook is a unique trademark law text that combines in-depth discussion of substantive law with a practitioner-focused approach. While USPTO Trademark Law and Practice draws on case law to teach trademark law, the book also teaches practical applications by thoroughly examining the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP), and then demonstrating how to use it when seeking federal registration of trademarks from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The text acts as a guidebook that illustrates how to practice before the USPTO, making it essential to both teachers of trademark law and to aspiring lawyers planning to focus on this field.

The concise text provides students with a conceptual framework for understanding key issues and is designed to progress seamlessly from theory to practice. From this vantage point, the book addresses a market need for a course that ditches the esoterica of current casebooks in favor of material that prepares students for trademark law practice.

Key Features:
  • Case Illustrations that demonstrate landmark decisions in trademark law
  • Legal Practice Notes that highlight key doctrines
  • Test Your Knowledge questions that ask students to imagine themselves in the role of the trademark law attorney and to describe how they would handle various scenarios
  • Application exercises that ask students to anticipate how judges might rule in trademark cases, thereby allowing them to test their understanding of policies and more deeply think through their consequences
  • An entire chapter devoted to conducting searches on the USPTO database
Professors and students will benefit from:
  • A practitioner-centered approach
  • Concise but comprehensive coverage of trademark law
  • Helpful summaries of key concepts throughout
  • Relevant trademark images, documents, and applications that are fully integrated into the casebook and offer students a real-world learning experience
  • Comments and questions throughout the text that prompt critical thinking and prepare students to engage in classroom discussion
  • Multiple exercises that can be used for either independent or in-class assignments
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First Edition
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Connected eBook + Paperback
Connected eBook (Digital Only)
Trademark Law
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