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Basic Cybersecurity Law for the Business Environment: Cases and Commentary, First Edition

  • Edward C. Carter
  • Robert H. Sloan
  • Richard Warner
Series / Aspen Casebook Series
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Basic Cybersecurity Law for the Business Environment: Cases and Commentary prepares future business lawyers to understand the role of cybersecurity and related doctrinal and policy issues in the business environment. Authors Edward Carter, Robert Sloan, and Richard Warner employ the proven-effective approach of teaching law and policy in the context of illustrative cases framed by introductory text and Notes and Questions. Technology Notes throughout clearly explain the relevant terms, facts, and issues of technology. Hypothetical scenarios illuminate real issues and concerns that arise in practice. 

Professors and students will benefit from
  • Thorough coverage of common law, agency actions, and statutes 
  • Cases organized around cybersecurity themes, including:
    • Liability for failure to prevent access to a computer network
    • Liability for accessing a computer or network
    • Rights that protect persons against government seizure of data
  • An overview of cybersecurity concerns in Chapter One, including
    • The attack and defense of computers and networks
    • Risk assessment and cyber insurance
  • A Technical Terms Glossary for a computer-science understanding of terms and acronyms
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About the authors
Edward C. Carter

Edward Carter is a career white collar crime prosecutor, was an Assistant Illinois Attorney General, and Chief of the Attorney General’s Special Prosecutions Bureau. Mr. Carter’s significant prosecutions include the largest state Wire Fraud prosecution in Illinois history, the largest Motor Fuel Tax Fraud prosecution in Illinois history, the largest state prosecution in Illinois history of a scheme perpetrated by bank insiders to defraud both a bank and bank regulators, and after Illinois became a party to the International Fuel Tax Agreement, the first fraud prosecution brought in the United States under that agreement.

Mr. Carter has also worked extensively on legal issues related to terrorism and bioterrorism. He has lectured extensively in Eastern Europe about the investigation and prosecution of white collar crime and money laundering and is adjunct professor of law in Chicago Kent College of Law’s School of American Law LLM Program in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region.

He also serves on the advisory board of Chicago Kent's Center for National Security and Human Rights Law.

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First Edition
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Connected eBook + Hardcover
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Science, Technology, and the Law
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