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Bundle: California Property Law for Paralegals, Eighth Edition with The Law Simulation Series: Real Estate

  • D. Patrick O'Laughlin
  • Neal R. Bevans
Series / Aspen Bundle Series
Teaching Materials

Print Bundle - This bundle includes a print version of ISBN 9780735584525 as well as an access code to The Law Simulation Series - Real Estate.


More about California Property Law for Paralegals, designed to simplify material while maximizing student interest, the Eighth Edition is a well-organized, clearly written, practical text. This concise yet comprehensive book will provide students the tools they need but will not overwhelm them because it is geared specifically to the needs of paralegal students.

The Law Simulation Series: Real Estate is a series of simulated, experiential learning environments designed to provide students with an interactive law office environment suitable for the development and refinement of competencies needed for the real-world legal workplace

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About the authors
Neal R. Bevans

Mr. Bevans is a graduate of the University of Georgia (Order of Barristers, 1988) and a current member of the Georgia Bar. Mr. Bevans has had a varied background in law. While attending law school, Mr. Bevans worked year-round as a title examiner for a real estate firm.

Following his graduation, he became an Assistant Solicitor General in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Bevans specialized in Domestic Violence and DUI prosecutions for over two years before being recruited and hired by the prestigious firm of Chambers, Mabry, McClelland & Brooks, where he worked as a private attorney representing numerous insurance companies.

Mr. Bevans subsequently left private employment and returned to government service as an Assistant District Attorney in Atlanta. In his many years as a prosecutor, Mr. Bevans tried over 150 jury trials. He has prosecuted rapists, armed robbers, and murderers. One of his prosecutions, Georgia v. Mobley, was even featured on Court TV.

Mr. Bevans devoted a great deal of his time as a prosecutor to sexual assault and white-collar crime cases, even serving for a time on specialized teams devoted exclusively to those offenses. Mr. Bevans was also an adjunct instructor at the North Georgia Police Academy.

Mr. Bevans has been a full-time paralegal instructor at Western Piedmont Community College since 1996. He has been recognized as one of the state leaders in Online and Distance Education. He has appeared as a speaker and panelist at numerous state seminars and presentations on many aspects of Online Instruction.

Mr. Bevans has written numerous articles, was a regular columnist for Legal Assistant Today magazine, and has written 8 textbooks on various legal topics related to the law and the paralegal profession.

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Property Law
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